Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.
Is there a way to get rid of abdominal fat without losing muscle in other places. Right now I do some cardio in the morning before breakfast, and workout for about 45-60 min. per day. But I'm always hearing that to lose abdominal fat you have to lower your body fat percentage with lots of cardio which causes you to lose some muscle. Any info would be nice. Mical
How long have you been training? Here is a suggestion go on a 4-6 week Cardio program lose a lot of your unwanted fat. Yes, I know you will loose some muscle but Hey you can't have both without an up front sacrifice. After the Cardio cycle go on a 12 - week mass cycle; here you will gain your muscle. You will gain a little body fat depending on your calorie intake but overall you will be in a much better situation than where your at now.