2001/02/22, 11:51 PM
how often should u workt them out to get them pretty ripped
2001/02/23, 03:45 AM
every time your in the gym.. I work them 6 days a week.
2001/02/23, 08:07 AM
Three days a week
2001/02/23, 08:29 AM
6 days a week is over trainning. It is doing no good
2001/02/23, 04:18 PM
how long do u usually work them out for
2001/02/24, 08:09 AM
Chase6776, that would be fine if you already have a six pack and you stay fairly active. But not everyone is that lucky. Your abs are fairly hard to develope and recovery time is very quick therefore you should work them more often than that. If you really wanted to you could work them every day. But most people only work them every other day. When working your abs besure to work all angles. Lower, Upper, and Sides
2001/07/13, 08:23 AM
Good advice... The cardio is important aswell... Need to burn off the excess fat that covers your six pack...
2001/02/23, 10:34 PM
Every other day
2001/02/24, 04:24 AM
I've done a little of diggin' into this subject and I'm pretty sure that to get your abs responding you should train them more often. Abs recover a lot faster than any other muscle and conseq can be trained more freq. Only if you've already got the 6pack or whatever your striving 4..should you train as easy as once a week.
2001/03/01, 02:42 PM
Try the 12 week abs special thats wat im doin.
2001/03/02, 10:35 PM
is it hard work do u hav the 6 pack yet or r u close
2001/03/03, 09:56 AM
I have a belt of fat at my lower abs. How do i get rid of this access fat. Give me workouts to be done at home. Igo out jogging early in the morning everyday.Please help me get rid of this problem
2001/03/03, 12:57 PM
for lower abs...try knee tucks, hanging leg raises, leg raises on a bench, bent leg raises. you have to feel the tension on the lower abs with every rep. Do them slowly enough and until u reach failure with every rep.
2001/03/07, 02:54 PM
2 times a week