2003/04/02, 06:06 PM
I have never ever worked out befor,and befor this never watched my diet.I was a perfect weight and size as far as I was concerned until I got merried and started on the pill.I also went from working 2 full time jobs to one part time job.Now I'm back to full time,actually 10 hours a day,but here in lies the problem,I'm at my desk sitting on my ever widening butt the WHOLE day,plus the additional 2 hours of commute.As you can see I have littel time to workout but I am determind,first to lose wight,then to be healthy,then to look good.Every thing I read says,get up and walk around,take the stairs,okay but there are no stairs and it's only one office,I guess my questions are many:
* how do you sit at your desk and read all about fittness and then actually stay super motivated in order to actually do the work out? *What snacks/meals can you eat at a reception desk that don't make noise or take up to many preciouse calories? *what can I do at my desk that will not be obviouse to the clients that I'm working on myself?
Iv'e noticed that my posture has been improving with just the thought of working out,are ther specific workouts that can contribute to improving posture and getting rid of the horrible'computer crooked neck'?
I'll post in the begginer section too since I just signed up and this gives alot of backround. *smile*Hi evrybody!