Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

Share and offer advice to beginners to the fitness world!

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Advice Please

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/09/18
United States
2007/09/18, 03:30 AM
Ok so I am in the Guard and I should know what to do when it comes to fitness however in that circumstance you usually don't. I was in AMAZING shape all through out basic training only because you work out pretty much ALL DAY however now that I'm back to real life. I don't know how to keep the pounds off. I am a student in college so I am a penny pincher and I don't have lots of time to haul off to the gym. When I do have time I usually sit around. However I have started some bad habits I eat fast food on the run ALL THE TIME. Probably where all my money is going, I have gained alot of wait from a miscarriage pregnancy which has added on to my ever growing midsection. I'm 19 yrs old and am not a lazy person I eat only once a day and usually in the evenings. Please some one give me some advice that I can follow and stick to. Thank you sooooooooo much.

Marie C. Nehrer
Posts: 187
Joined: 2007/08/28
2007/09/18, 07:17 AM
Eat small meals at least 5 times a day. You'll eat less in total and your metabolism will be very greatful! Get some free weights and some rubber exercise band and work out in front of the TV every other evening. That should get you started.
Fast food isn't nessessarily bad food. Make a lot of healthy food in advance and put in the freezer, then defrost for a quick meal. Hazelnuts and almonds used for baking makes really great snacks, and mix in some raisins as well, and you can have a bag full with you for those quick snacks on the go. Fresh tomatos and carrots are nice too, and boiled eggs are easy to take with you as well. Good luck!:)

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