Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

Discuss the topic of Power lifting, Strength training and Strong Man training!

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Joined: 2004/04/29
2004/04/29, 04:27 AM
I have been pondering whether or not to take steroids for years. i am 21, and sick of everyone else getting huge off roids and showing no side effects. i dont want the neg sied effects of roids so i have decided to take ANIMAL STACK. I looked at the sited read everything emailed them etc with all questions, and I basically thought that if you did a cycle or 2 you would get huge and probably NOT get side effects. I bought it today and plan on taking it in the morning, so here i am at midnight doing a last minute search on the web using google checking out side effects and all these message boards come up with people saying its so dangerous and it doesnt work and to stay away from it. and they went on to use words i didnt understand. Is it just the same guy saying the same stuff? If animal stack is so dangerous why has it been the #1 seller for a million years? 18 years straight or whatever?, i thought i could trust the animal guys? someone help me out PLEASE!! obviously millions of people use roids barely any get side effects, they all get huge, what should i take then????? if not animal than what? please email me or respond to this. I need help now i dont know if i should take it in the morning. i figured i was doing the safest thing possible with the most trustworthy company. PLEASE HELP ME. THANKS.
Posts: 1,621
Joined: 2003/09/30
United States
2004/04/29, 05:08 AM
At 21 you should be able to build muscle with out a problem. Look to hard work before you look to prohormones. But yes animal does make some good products. And get your mind of the gear no one around here will condone it's use.

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2004/04/29, 07:43 AM
The fact that you state that they take "roids with no side effects" prooves that you have not done very much research. At 18 you would be doing more harm than good. Most roids have many side effects. You HAVE to take other drugs in order to counter act these neg effects. One drug that is common is is commonly used to help women get why at 18 would you want to take drugs that women take? I am not saying that this what youw ould ahve to do. Do a search here there was a great post on this. ALl drugs have side effects, some may not show up for decades. I know of 10 or more guys that have taken all different levels of drugs that are either dead or having so many problems that they look like cancer patients. Please do more than a google search....go to a freaking library and get some real medical booksonthis!

Posts: 794
Joined: 2002/05/08
United States
2004/04/29, 01:45 PM
PATIENCE! PATIENCE! PATIENCE!. If you wanted results yesterday, your training for the wrong reasons, it's a life long journey. Don't make weight training a chore that you have to do, keep it fun and interesting and ALWAYS challenge yourself. Like the others have said, take a good hard look at your diet and your training habits, educate yourself, and you need to get that healthy positive mindset to make some great gains. Good luck:dumbbell:
Posts: 8
Joined: 2004/04/29
2004/04/29, 07:46 PM
I dont think you guys quite understand, I didnt mean to come across as some stupid kid who want's to get huge with no work. and i specifically said that i am 21 (i dont know where the 18 came from) i am 22 in a few weeks. Thanks for replying guys, but what I am interested in knowing is, about animal pack, i have done my share of research, i know the effects of steroids, and hormones, thats not really what i am interested in. what i was asking is: 1) why has animal stack been the number one seller for so long if it sucks. and 2)if animal pack sucks so bad and no one reccomeds it then what is good? (im talking brand names)
Posts: 1,621
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United States
2004/04/29, 07:47 PM
send a note to rev8ball he is a animal specialist

I am that
which must be feared, worshipped and adored. The world is mine
now and forever.No one holds command over me. No man. No god. I am a beast and that is enough.
Posts: 8
Joined: 2004/04/29
2004/04/30, 01:30 AM
How do i do that? this is my first time on the site i just signed up.
Posts: 8
Joined: 2004/04/29
2004/04/30, 01:32 AM
nm i figured it out
Posts: 8
Joined: 2004/04/29
2004/04/30, 01:41 AM
Well i have started the stack today, and i feel good. If anyone actually has tried animal stack or another similar prohormone let me know what you think.
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/04/30, 01:25 PM
Prohormones are linked with prostate well as other bad things........yea you feel good now, but what about say 10 years from now? If your friends jumped off the sears tower....woudl you go after them?

.......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!
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Posts: 3,081
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United States
2004/05/01, 01:51 AM
Thanks for the props, guys.

joe543: check your mail box...


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