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Another newbie question - Nutrition

Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/08/20
United States
2003/08/27, 11:00 AM
I feel pretty comfortable using the exercise section of this site, but the nutritional part is a little confusing to me.

Everyone keeps saying that nutrition is key and I got a great message from a user saying that you should eat for your body not your mind.

I would love to get a handle on the nutrition aspect and incorporate that early on in this change, but don't know how.

Any suggestions or tips? Either of other resources or how to use the nutritional area on here...


Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/08/18
2003/08/27, 02:53 PM
Hey Sillygrrl3,

Changing your eating habits is hard. Try what I did. Every month change one thing about your diet. Like if you drink pop, change to diet or water. Another example, if you like cheese, try a fat free product. Stick to that, then change another the next month.

I find changing all your eating habits at once is a difficult so performing small changes over a longer period of time is easier to assimilate yourself.

My daughter did this and lost 20lbs over six months. Just a little does alot.

Good luck.

Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/08/20
United States
2003/08/27, 03:17 PM
Hey Thanks! I appreciate the info. I am scouring the internet and am having a hard time finding what I think I need.

I really wish I could just find something that says "Eat - XYZ food NOW!!!" *grin*

Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/08/27, 06:22 PM
Try and eat in this order....protein carbs and good fats.
Protein and good carbs will keep you from getting those hungry (I need to eat signals).
Also check out the diet section on the board.
Good Luck

You can walk to anywhere you want, it only takes time.

Ivan Montreal Canada (aka SpongeBob Square Pants to some!)
Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/08/18
2003/08/27, 07:54 PM
It gets confusing doesn't it. I've given up diets or nutritional information. In my mind, I know what is nutritional and what is not. Calorie, protein, carb, fat counting is too stressful and time consuming. I just do it once. Research and investigate types of foods, make a mental eating plan and stick to it.

These changes are for a lifetime so if you can't stick with it... it won't work in the long run... too much overload on information or too much restrictions on what you can or cannot eat deters alot of people and success is our ultimate goal.

Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/08/27, 07:59 PM
So true Roberta.

You can walk to anywhere you want, it only takes time.

Ivan Montreal Canada (aka SpongeBob Square Pants to some!)
Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/08/18
2003/08/28, 03:01 PM
If you're looking for a nutritional plan that is written down try just looking into some of the fitness magazines like Fitness, Shape, or Energy. The sample plans that they have in there could give you a good solid base for your own nutrition plan.

I'm exactly like you! I like everything right in front of me.