2006/01/17, 10:58 AM
Hi my name is Shirley. I am 27 married to a wonderful man, with no human kids, many little furry ones though :O)
I have struggled (ok struggled is too light of a word) fought with being overweight all my life. I even tried to convience myself for a while that it was still my baby fat, kind of har to do when you are 27 lol.
I had always stayed about 20 or so pounds overweight until about 6 years ago. I got a good job, that included sitting for 12 hours a day, and of course snacking all of the time. I went from 130ish to almost 200. A year ago this past June, we moved, and I got transferred within my company, but as a demotions (don't ask it is a really long story there) Well as part of the demotion, I got "stuck" working outside, and was forced to walk a mininum of 9 miles a day, most days verged on 10-12 miles a day. I ended up losing a TON of weight. Really I think it was too much weight in the time limit, I had lost about 80 pounds within 6 months.
Well that job is in the past now, another long story, and I have a job now that includes walking but not to the extent of my last one, I probably walk about a mile a day now, more if I walk to and from work. And of course the weight is coming back.
I an now up to 156, which is really bad considering I am only 4'11"
Anyway, making a long story short, I'm going (not trying GOING) to get these pounds off. I found this site looking for exercise routines, and this was the first on the list. Looked at it and thought I would give it a try.
Luckily my husband is really supportive and I know that he will help. Not to mention that Mr. Skinny all his life and could eat everything in sight is now getting a belly, so maybe he will do the exercise routine with me :)