Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

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Another question

Posts: 11
Joined: 2003/03/13
United States
2003/04/04, 12:50 AM
My nutrition program has me set up for this:

Protein - 155 grams
Carbs - 310 grams
Fats - 25 grams
Calories - 2065

Is that good for someone trying to lose weight and tone up? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

There is a time when a mad scientist isn't completely, entirely mad... This is the time when he throws his greatest parties...
Posts: 38
Joined: 2003/03/20
United States
2003/04/10, 12:09 PM
it depends on your weight, height and age. there are calculators on the net that can give you your basal metabolic rate, find this out and reduce that amount by like 200 calories. if you want to use their formula they are giving you a 60% carb/ 30% protein/ and 10% fat split. personally they recommended too much as far as calories for me. try out their recommendation, do the weightlifting, the cardio and give it a good month. if you haven't lost an average of 2lbs a week then adjust accordingly.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2003/03/13
United States
2003/04/17, 03:19 PM
Thanks Peopleschamp!

There is a time when a mad scientist isn't completely, entirely mad... This is the time when he throws his greatest parties...