2001/06/04, 06:29 PM
recovery from an eating disorder? I've been bulimic/anorexic for 14 years (I'm 27) and have finally started to be healthy and try to eat that way as well
My metabolism is a shambles. I've had a baby and gained 70(!) pounds form that. I've yoyoyed from 120 to 160 to 180 to 140 to 210 (pregnant) now down to 130, but a bit flabby.
I need some encouragement. My husband has MS and is seeing a personal trainer/physical therapist. He's all into it, and that has motivated me somewhat, but someone besides family has to have some advice!
I'm seeing a counselor about the psychological issues, of course, and my MD has an eye on me as well.
I'd appreciate any replies.
2001/06/05, 07:51 PM
The most important part of your problem is recognizing it. I praise you for your courage. Just eat well, regularly, and start out by walking(push the baby along). Do you have access to weight machines? Anyhow just be regular with your exercise. It will take time to firm up but you will feel better all around.
2001/06/06, 11:14 PM
God bless you for taking that step. I can relate being a recovering drug addict/bulimic. Whatever you do, do not fall into that pattern again just because you have gained wt. Having an eating D/O is a very tricky thing to dael with and just like an addiction, it can fool you in to relapse. Just concentrate on healthy living right now untill you are fully recovered for labor. And Skylar is right do alot of walking. But be aware that excessive exercise is also a form of bulimia. Keep me posted. I_sly
2001/07/03, 12:39 AM
The important thing is to keep motivated. This might require you to buy the latest health and fitness magazine, or attend a fitness pageant. Everyone has competative blood, try and find what makes you excel. I have the best motivation when I see guys my age lifting close to what I lift. It's my goal to stay on top in my gym. Cut out pictures from magazines that have the "perfect figure" that you would like to attain, and post them all over; especially in your car. The next time you're off work early and looking for something to do you'll be able to see the motivation pict. and put in a few more minutes at the gym. KEEP PUMPIN'
2001/06/23, 04:13 AM
I must have missed your request in there somewhere could you point it out to me ? thanks
2001/07/05, 01:51 AM
2001/07/05, 02:12 AM
hi, I have an eating disorder as well. It is not been diagnosed as bulimia or anorexia, but it is still a major problem. I just don't eat and feel uncomfortable doing it. I have only ate once a day since I was a kid. I don't know how it started, but nevertheless, an eating disorder is a problem. I feel sick if I eat in the morning and if I eat more than once, I feel drained. Sounds crazy, but some will know what I mean. I don't feel comfortable taking the time out to eat and feel guilty when I do. I think a lot of it stems from depression, I don't know. Since I have joined ft, I have really made a huge effort to eat right. It is the biggest struggle for me, but I think I am doing a little better. I have no problem storing fat since my body always thinks I am trying to starve it and I am a very active person. The biggest thing for me was to accept the fact that I have a problem and that only I can change it. Sandman is right though, you do need positive reinforcers. A lot of people on ft know what they are talking about and are very helpful (sandman being one of them), however, you know what you have to do, just like me. Remind yourself that you deserve to take care of you, sometimes we forget and lose who we are. Stick with this program and reach out for encouragement when you need it. Good luck and God bless.