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average 14 year old bench press?

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United States
2007/03/31, 09:48 PM
ok im 14 i weigh 129 5ft6. I'm now just starting bench pressin 85 how can i bench more? I've been 50 doing push ups a night.
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United States
2007/04/23, 06:22 PM
I'm 14, 5'11 and weigh 152, max press 165. Pushups are good for improving your max, but in the end, they do not help too much as they are such a low weight. To increase you max bench you have to do just that: Bench. A good bit. Start with something you can rep about 10 times and then switch it up a little, you know do one day heavier weight and another lighter weights. If you continue this you will see your max shoot up maybe by ever 100 pounds in the next year.
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2007/04/24, 09:18 AM
Work on your triceps, and your shoulders. Do pullups for your back. All of these play into your bench press. There is much more to it than just the chest.
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2007/04/24, 08:34 PM
yeah ecle is exactly right. triceps are just as important as chest in a bench press, many people which weak triceps cannot can their real max because they reach a sticking point.
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2007/04/24, 09:24 PM
im 5'6, 110 pounds, very skinny teenager

i can do 85X10

i can max at 105

i just started to work out...

if u keep benching, u will get better and better

good luck

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2007/04/25, 03:37 PM
Why are you concerned the 'average' bench for a 14 year old? Are you looking to be average? Look around. Every 14 year old is different; I know - I'm an 8th grade teacher. Don't compare yourself to others.

Now, if you want to improve your bench, forget pushups. Sure, they're great for a bodyweight exercise and for warm-up/cool-down purposes. However, if you want your numbers to go up, then you need to lift more weight during your training sessions. If 85 is your 1RM now, don't try 'maxing out' (I hate that terminology) for about 2 more months. Increase the number of sets you perform and decrease the reps. Keep your reps on multi-joint movement exercises at 15, 12, 10, 8, 6. At your age, you don't need to worry about doing anything crazy. Keep it simple and eat right to fuel your body. You'll see results soon.

"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
"Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be."
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2010/03/30, 05:58 AM
i'm 5'8 176 pounds

i can do 100X10

i don't know max but know it's over 110

just started bench press.
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United States
2010/12/16, 10:45 PM
im 5'6 weigh 145 im a running back in highschool and i can max out at 225 i agree with everybody to forget the pushups i got my max up so high by benching 20 reps of 95 15 of 115 10 of 135 5 of 185 and 1 at 205 then i went back back down like a pyramid i saw results very fast and im up to
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2011/06/16, 10:55 PM
im 5'6 and abot 120 my max is 140 and about ten reps of 125. its not realy how big you are just how long you have lifted i strted 3 months ago lifting 90x10 and weighing 110 now gained 10 pounds and can lift a lot beter. it is also in your form beter form beter results.
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2011/09/28, 10:38 PM
I'm 14 , I'm a freshmen and I'm 5'7 and bench 150. You'll start to get stronger and stronger the more you lift. Just do more power workouts.
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2011/11/07, 12:08 AM
See a month ago i was doing 150 now im up to 170.
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2012/05/16, 11:08 PM
This is a good relief...
I am 14, 5' 8'', weigh 127, and bench 125...
Coach is always stressing being able to bench your own weight, but i could never do it!
There are kids who weigh 150-180, and bench 200+ that i work out with.
I am more cut than them, but was always jealous of thier pure strength.
i started this year benching 95 on a really good day, and now im up to 125. I figured you just have to have the right friend to push you that extra rep...
One a bit stronger than you, so you are always trying to push yourself to match him.
4-6 sets of low reps, heavy weight, and every once and a while, at the end take all the weight off, and see how many times you can do it.
my max was 86 reps last time i "burned out".
But do not over work yourself!
I have a friend who weighs 140, and benches 195, and he is 5'3", i he hasnt grown since 6the th grade...
i think his intensity may have had something to do with his stunted growth?
He just keeps getting bigger, but no taller?O_o
anyway, hope i helped...
Sorry about the rambling...
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United States
2012/06/03, 07:13 PM
Guys, you gotta understand that when a ur 14 year old, youre not gonna able to bench around 200lbs at your first try, i mean all those other proffesianl bodybuilders didnt just decide that "hey i wanna start bodybuilding" and pull of like 400lbs on the bench on there first day. Well anyway, im 14 years old myself and i bench 185lbs, It took me time to develop my chest and work my up to the heavier wights, if your looking forward to increasing your bench press, Always do Dumbell Chest Press (along with benchpress), its more challenging and it builds your stabalizers, im not gonna go into  details but heres a vid for u....Hope This Helps

   p.s, I woulod recomend your using a diff type of set/rep system instead of using a dropset
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2012/07/08, 03:27 PM
im 14 , 5'9 and wiegh 145...... as of right now i bench 225 x5. it took me close to two years to get to that max out wieght . when i first started my bench press max was 80 x1 . youll get stronger as long as u do a variety of chest workouts and switch up the amount of reps each week. GO UP in wieght after each chest workout secssion and over time youll see ur body changeing . keep it up
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2012/07/29, 11:38 PM
Im 14 freshman and I weigh 150 5' 6" and I bench 135 10x then after I find my max and right now it's at 185 or 190
I work on pectoral muscles a lot and arms because in a normal press that's what you work out. Yeah shoulders are involved but when it involves bench pressing just do a lot of flys and skull crushers and pushups
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2012/11/16, 05:08 AM
im 14, im 5'9 , i weigh 170 and i benchpress 200x5
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2013/03/16, 04:47 PM (Edited: Meat70 - 2013/03/16, 04:48 PM)
Summer going into freshman I could barley get 160 I'm growing now since of last week max out for football I got 190 you just have to lift hard and you will be able to reach your goal
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2013/04/02, 03:28 PM
Im 14, in 8th grade and im 5'7 and 160lbs. I recently brought my max up to 250. I learned from my coach that being good at bench press isnt just about having a strong chest. To bring up your max you have to workout the rest of your upper body and then i promise you it will help. It helped me i started working out 2 years ago and i could barely bench the bar(45lbs). But my coach told me to exercise the rest of my body first then it will help. Good luck.
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2013/04/02, 03:30 PM
You also need a strong core. If you dont have a strong core you wont be able to support the press.
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2013/04/03, 07:12 PM
Im 14 i weigh in at 145 and i put up 210 as my max. Ive been benching for years now but now that i earned my position in highschool football I've been lifting much more. To improve you bench press i believe in a 3 day a week chest workout, along with all upper body. (also throwing in a leg day or two)You also should be using a whey protein gainer to put on more mass and to recover muscle faster.. Stay constant and before you know it you be putting up your body weight+. good luck fellas
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2013/04/10, 07:22 PM
I'm 14, 5'7 and weigh about 145. I can put up 175 as my max in bench press. But I started benching when I was 13 and I started at 115. i've been doing like 3 sets of 3 at 75% and keep going done like that. Just work on your biceps, but not all the time, do your legs as well so your arms don't get used to benching the same weight.
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United States
2013/05/19, 08:40 AM
I'm 14 years old. Im 5'5. I weigh 125. I max bench press at 165. I can do 115x10 for 3 sets.
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United States
2014/04/10, 07:12 PM
ok im 14 i weigh 129 5ft6. I'm now just starting bench pressin 85 how can i bench more? I've been 50 doing push ups a night.

---85 lbs is a great weigh to start off with i only started off with maybe 60 lbs since i was 13, i am 14 at this moment 6"2" and 190 lbs i bench 250lbs. this weight took a lot of work to get to and i was dedicated with my diet and plan. eating a lot will help a lot dont worry about getting fat if you weightlift every other day you will lose it all
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2014/07/02, 11:35 PM
I maxed out at 205
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2015/11/05, 10:33 PM (Edited: Boomer-Sooner - 2015/11/05, 10:34 PM)
I just turned 14, i only been really in the weight room 4 days a week and for about a third of the year or so, i am 5'8" and weighing 137 pounds and just started 8th grade. I can bench 150 max, forget bout those push ups they are doing nothing... find a max, and there should be a chart for weights to bench or whatever for so long, we got these and i went from a 65 pounds at being to 150 by this metod, you do 10 at first, increase by 5-10 then do about 8, then add 5-10 pounds and do about 6 reps. But you have to work forarms, triceps, and core,pectorals if you want to increase weight, or you get stuck at a certain spot since you have weak muscles in the phase of pushing bar up. One of my favorite excersies is the hip sled, i can do 325+ max or more, havent tried max, but 210 squats.
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2015/11/15, 09:28 PM
I'm 14 I can bench 140 and about 2 months ago I could bench 100, about 3 times. I've found a good way to increase bench, is to bench once a week and burn out everytime. 3-6 sets burning out. Then for part 2 do 1000 push-ups a day. I recommend doing these in pyramids. Do 45,44,43,42 for on until you go to 0 and you'll be at 1000 after that. This normally takes about 40 minutes wih 1 min breaks inbetween. This will also help increase the endurance in your muscles and help you complete more reps when benching. I started out being able to do 10 push-ups strait now I can do 100 strait with a flick of da wrist :)
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2015/12/26, 09:41 PM (Edited: Garrettp62 - 2015/12/26, 09:42 PM)
I am 14 and 6'2" and weigh 248lbs I can bench 200 4 times should I be able to do more ?? Or nah. My dad says I'm foing pretty good for my age and the fact that I've only been working for my Bench for 6 months should I be able to bench my weight??
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2016/01/13, 10:21 PM
I'm 14, 5'6 140, bench 135 6 time, and can do 165 max bench
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2016/01/26, 03:49 PM
I'm 14 and can bench 185 5 times I'm 5 11 and weigh 171 pounds but I've been doing it for about a year
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2016/01/27, 10:08 PM
I'm 14 and I am 5'9 190lbs and I have been lifting for a year and I bench 225 for 5 reps and 260 for max. Is there exercise I could do to quickly boost my max lift?
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2016/02/09, 09:46 AM
ok im 14 i weigh 129 5ft6. I'm now just starting bench pressin 85 how can i bench more? I've been 50 doing push ups a night.

It's good I started at that 6 months ago,I'm 14 too and into powerlifting I weigh about 180-185 lbs and I can bench 1rm 84 kg(190lbs) and I'm 5'10",check my Chanel on YouTube Daniel Persic ;)
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2016/02/15, 04:07 PM
I'm a 125lb freshman I'm 5,8 and can bench 110×10 and my max is 150
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2016/02/21, 07:59 PM
Iam 14 Im 5,10 my max is 190 and doing pushups works wonders
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2016/03/21, 10:47 PM
ok im 14 i weigh 129 5ft6. I'm now just starting bench pressin 85 how can i bench more? I've been 50 doing push ups a night.

I'm 14 and 5'10 I don't turn 15 for about 5 months, my max is 190, but coming from a bodybuilding family maxing is usually not a good idea, it is just something that people try to brag about when really nobody cares, stick to getting stronger and don't worry about your max for at least half a year
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2016/03/22, 11:54 PM
I'm 14 years old 5'8 152 pounds and i bench 200
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2016/05/10, 09:09 AM
Hi I see your having trouble when I was really young I would always have trouble just last football season I was bench pressing around 55 x10 (im14) but now I can 1rep max 135 squat 225 and leg press legally 1000 pounds I just hit a growth spurt as well as I was like 5/8 180 I'm now 5/11 and a half and 220 you'll get there
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United States
2016/06/13, 09:49 AM
ok im 14 i weigh 129 5ft6. I'm now just starting bench pressin 85 how can i bench more? I've been 50 doing push ups a night.

---are you serious? im 14, 5´10, 250 lbs, and my max bench is 340.
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2016/07/12, 11:35 PM
I am 14 and i can bench 200. Doing pushups helped a lot
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2016/07/21, 04:46 PM
The best way to do more is work your way up. Don't strain yourself trying to hard, build up your strength. Start out doing a little then a little more until your doing alot of reps with the 85 pounds. The next thing to do is add more weight and start that process again. Make sure you stretch before lifting, alot of people don't do this and can end up pulling muscles.
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2016/10/10, 06:46 PM
I am 14 years old weighing at 115 lbs and can max bench 160.
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2016/10/22, 08:05 PM
I'm 14, I'm 5'11 and bench 200lb, how can I bench more weight and gain muscle faster?
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2016/11/14, 01:52 AM
I'm 14, 6ft (180cm), I weigh 147 (67kg)
I've done 10 reps of 183 (83kg) bench press, I hardly ever focus on my max and that is the heaviest weight I've been allowed.
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2016/11/14, 10:54 PM
Im 14, I'm in 8th grade. I weigh 185 lbs. My max bench is 187(1 - 2 reps).
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2016/11/21, 07:40 AM
Im australian, so its in kg here.
I am 14 weigh 90 kg and i only have a barbell and weights- with 50kg i will do 12 overhead lifts and then 12 underhand, do other excercoses come back and do more. I am slightly ùner 6ft and am heavily built.
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2016/12/27, 02:51 AM (Edited: Sarge200+ - 2016/12/27, 02:52 AM)
I'm 14 5'11 175lb and can bench 225 pounds can bench mor but this is what I do so I can bench more consitanly . Doing push-ups and lifting heavy things but not too heavy of things really helps get you stronger and build muscle the bigger your pectorals are usually the more you can bench
2017/01/27, 01:01 PM
ok im 14 i weigh 129 5ft6. I'm now just starting bench pressin 85 how can i bench more? I've been 50 doing push ups a night.

--- when you fail doing your last set, do an easy weight about 15 times. I'm 5'9" 14yo weighs 260 and benches 265
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2017/02/04, 01:19 PM
I mean I'm 14, 6ft tall, 170 lbs and I bench 190 for about 5 reps so it all depends how you're built and how long you've been working out.
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United States
2017/02/20, 08:20 PM
ok im 14 i weigh 129 5ft6. I'm now just starting bench pressin 85 how can i bench more? I've been 50 doing push ups a night.

---Im 14, 5'11 and weigh 150lbs, my max bench press is 185lbs. I found the benching atleast twice a week helps a lot. For one day do atleast 5 sets with weight that u can do 8 - 10 reps with. For the second day do sets of 1 with your current max. Do about 10 sets. Then do 1 more set with a slightly higher weight. Try this method. It really works well for me.
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United Kingdom
2017/04/18, 03:34 PM (Edited: LexmaRq - 2017/04/18, 03:36 PM)
I'm 14 6'0, I weigh 165lbs (very little fat on me) and I can bench a max of 140lbs (with full range of motion, none of that powerlifting bs). I focus on lifting heavier and getting stronger. I do 5-8 reps of 3-4 sets. Is this a good thing or should I focus on more reps and less weight or carry on like this?
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United Kingdom
2017/04/18, 03:39 PM
Work on your triceps, and your shoulders. Do pullups for your back. All of these play into your bench press. There is much more to it than just the chest.---Back won't help with anything, the back is for pulling, not pushing. And shoulders will only help with inclined bench, not flat.
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