2006/07/15, 07:18 PM
I am going into my junior year, I'm 6'5, 250 lbs, and I play football and basketball. I've been lifting hard all summer, but I have to play basketball too. I feel as though I'm not getting as big as I want to be... I lift every Mon, Wed, Fri from 9-11am, and on Tue and Thur I have some footwork and technique drills I do with a few teammates, and I have basketball most days 6-8pm. I am a college prospect as an OT, but most coachs agree that I am not big enough in mass. What can I do? My basketball coach is pretty strict about me not gaining fat, and my footwork is starting to get sloppy on the court. My game has been pretty bad lately, and I just don't know what to do to improve my basketball game but still get as big as I want for football.