2007/06/15, 08:33 AM
It was easier to just cut and paste it here :
1) warm-up thoroughly, break a sweat on some cardio equipment and stretch!
2) Use weight for the first exercise in each superset and just bodyweight for the second exercise. For the squat and deadlift use weight that you can lift for 10 reps, but no more than 12, in good form. For the walking lunge and step-up use a weight heavy enough to feel fatigued after 12 - 15 reps a side, in good form.
3) Use only bodyweight for the plie squat, jump squat, reverse lunge, and hip extension. Aim for 20 reps, but stop if your form starts to waver.
4) Keep the pace steady - don't rest longer than it takes to set up the next exercise.
So - you do these supersets, three sets each alternating before going on to the next superset.
Squats superset with plie squats
Walking Lunges superset with jump squats (your quads will fell like they are going to explode, just hang in there)
Step-ups superset with reverse lunges (you can make those plyo lunges if you feel like more of a challenge)
Romanian (stiff-legged) dead lifts superset with hip extension on swiss ball (or lying on your back on a swiss ball glutes rasies, which are less stressful on your low back).
Eat clean, do this work out once a week instead of your compound leg day and follow it for at least six weeks. You will see results!
You will still need to work your upper body on a seperate day or two.
While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
- Ben Franklin