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Bench Shirt

Posts: 1,621
Joined: 2003/09/30
United States
2004/10/11, 08:43 PM
Inzer makes some of the best gear. A bench shirt is a little tuff to get on yourself due to the fact they are tight and very rigid material. I would shoot a IM off to rev8ball he can give you a better idea on what type of shirt you need. Also it will take work to get used to pressing in the shirt you need more bar speed on the lowering part of the lift to get the shirt to give.

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Posts: 239
Joined: 2003/11/15
2004/10/11, 06:40 PM
I was interested in buying one of these bench shirts. I was on the inzer site today and was checking out some of there shirts. I got a question though, how do you know which one is best for your weight and height or is there another way this works? Also is there a special way to put it on and what can you expect out of a bench shirt? I was reading that it can add up to 150lbs on your bench? Is this true? Here is the link to the site with the shirts.
If anyone know anymore please let me know.
Posts: 239
Joined: 2003/11/15
2004/10/12, 03:58 PM
Thanks for the reply mmaibohm.
Anyone else know about the bench shirt?
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/10/12, 08:47 PM
I have worn one, in highschool, for a comp. It took 3 people to get it on me, and was very painful. Its so tight it actually leave welts on your sides and back. I wouldn't waste your money unless you plan on competing.

To get one to fit right theres like 20 some odd measurements for it to fit right and correctly.

....I'm probably in my underwear typing this......or maybe not!
Posts: 3,081
Joined: 2001/12/27
United States
2004/10/12, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the props, mmaibohm.

Shirts have their place and time as a safety device, just like belts, or even to aide with rehab; unfortunately, like belts, they have been used to often as a crutch to help with numbers that are illegitimate. However, they are, by no means, a magical device that will make you bench like a champ if you never have before.

My advice: train with getting your bench up the way it needs to go up - training, dieting, and rest. Training with a shirt is a whole other animal, and alot more detailed than just getting the size correct. If you are planning on entering a particular comp, then we can talk about equipment. Otherwise, increase your bench the old fashioned way...


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Posts: 239
Joined: 2003/11/15
2004/10/13, 09:38 PM
I would like to in a few years so I want to get used to wearing one. Which one do you think is good for a beginner?