2005/12/13, 09:13 PM
The Best Mass Building Exercises
Here is a list of the best basic mass building exercises for each body part
Quads: Squats, Front Squats, Leg Presses
Hamstrings: Stiff-Legged Deadlift, Lying Leg Curl
Back: Deadlift, Bent Over Row, One Arm Dumbbell Row
Chest: Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Benchpress, Weighted Wide Grip Dips
Deltoids: Press behind Neck, Dumbbell Press, Military Press, Shrugs
Triceps: Lying Tricep Ext, Close Grip bench Press, Pushdowns, Seated Tricep ext.
Biceps: Standing Barbell Curl, Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curl, Preacher Curl
Calves: Standing Calf Raise, Donkey Calf Raise, Seated Calf Raise
-------------- Success rests not only on ability, but upon commitment, loyalty, and pride.
2005/12/14, 12:57 AM
The Behind the neck press should be avoided. going BTN puts unneccessary impingement on the shoulder. This impingement may not be much initially, but it adds up, and eventually, you are on the injury board complaining of a shoulder injury with no idea why it happened.
And yes, pull ups should be in their, much more effective than curls for the majority of trainees.
-------------- Pain is only temporary, it is in your mind. If you can still walk, then you can still run.
Quoting from 7707mutt:
The squat cage is holy ground.