2009/08/06, 05:18 PM
I am 24 years old and have been working out off and on most of my life. For the past year I have been working out seriously, taking short breaks here and there. But I am still unable to gain weight or size. I want to build up to 185-200 lbs of solid ripped muscle. Currently my weight keeps bouncing between 150 and 160 lbs. I eat 4-6 meals a day depending on the amount of time I have between work and other activities but still cant gain the weight. I've tried several different supplements with very little gains. Any incite would be very appreciated and if you know of a good supplement to help me that would be great.
2009/08/06, 10:54 PM
Sounds like you're not getting enough calories to me. To really do a bang-up job on a "mass cycle" you need a TON of clean calories and a lifting program that's geared towards building strength and mass. Use a free program from this site and eat as many clean calories as possible.
2009/08/07, 09:35 AM
Here is some advice to get big you need to EAT big and TRAIN big simple physics if 4-6 meals is what you eat and you are not gaining then you need to EAT MORE. What is your workout plan? Best way to add mass is to lift heavy. And with the compound exercises (Deadlifts, squats Good Mornings etc).
-------------- FOR MY WIFE:
Her little ring was a little thing
but it was all that i could afford
now shes mine all mine
till the day i die
and i never wanted nothing more
2009/08/14, 02:26 PM
I try to eat a lot but cant stand eating the same thing over again every day. When I work out, it is by myself so I lift as much as I possibly can since I don't have a spotter. I am using the advanced program from free trainers. It is working me gain size but not as fast as I had hoped. Any suggestions on good foods to eat that will help me gain the size I want? Also, how long do you think it would take me to go from 155 lbs to 185?
2009/12/31, 01:40 AM
I have been trying to put on weight but have had a lot of trouble so i have been taking horleys awesome mass as a weight gainer.I have seen very quick and amazing results.
I take the supplement 2-3 times a day and it tastes great.
it is affordable and comes in 3 different flavors.
i really recommend this for anybody who has trouble putting on the extra weight to bulk up:big_smile: