Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

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Bicep/Tricep routine; suggestions please

Posts: 89
Joined: 2004/11/17
United States
2005/01/24, 01:38 PM
Bi's: Monday (done after Chest)
1) barbell curls 4 sets
2) preacher curls 4 sets
3) arm curl machine 4 sets
4) inclined curls or concentration curls 4 sets

Tri's: Wednesday (done after shoulders)
1) machine pull-downs 4 sets
2) seated extensions (dumbbells) 4 sets
3) tricep machine
4) * looking to add skull crushers*

My goal is to gain mass. I work these muscles primarily once a week.

>>Please give any feedback, suggestions, or critiques of these routines. What do you guy's suggest?

Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2005/01/24, 02:08 PM
do sckull crushers 1st...on tricep day...thats a mass builder........but then i'd get ride of the tricep extensions basicly same thing as skull crusher. Go heavy on the crushers since they are for mass. try for 2 mass builders with one or two isolation moves.....example
skull crushers
rope pressdowns
one arm reverse pull downs.

I thought I already went over this with you?

My drinking squad, has a cheerleading problem!!