Group: Strength & Powerlifting

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B.I.G Bicep,but how????????

Posts: 54
Joined: 2002/02/09
2002/09/04, 07:59 PM
i tell u my story.its strange.after 1 year of lifting i stopped attending the gym.All i did was push ups at home and dumbell curl.I've noticed a thickness of my bicep.The bicep was growing.And the big question in this story is,why my bicep grew doing push ups ,and curl at home,not inside of the gym?There must be qnswer.I never seen my bicep so big when i went to gym....

~Dont judge and u will not be judged~
Posts: 288
Joined: 2002/03/25
United States
2002/09/04, 10:46 PM
hmmm maybe you were over training at the gym, and didn't allow enough time and rest for your muscles to grow back...thats the only thing I can think of...

Tiffany Der #10

"You have to make it through the rain in order to see the Rainbow........."
Posts: 54
Joined: 2002/02/09
2002/09/08, 11:06 AM
yea maybe.but sometimes i didnt feel day i did bench press,wide grip pull downs and flyes.and next day i did biceps;dumbell curl and bar curl>>>>didnt grow.

~Dont judge and u will not be judged~
Posts: 3
Joined: 2002/08/10
United Kingdom
2002/09/10, 05:26 PM
well i dont have an answer to why, but may try it as my biscep growth is frustrating. do modays where i alternate curl, preicer curl, incline curl, bar curl, 21's, preiceher cable, pullups, standing concentration curl and dropset cable curl. all for 3 sets, 6 to 10 reps. then rest fro 3 days while workin legs etc and then lightly train while workin bk n traps. but see little improvement in size.. why? ur idea sounds like a good1 to try.
Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2002/09/12, 11:47 AM
Wow that is a lot for the Biceps. Try straight bar 3-4 sets with a weight that you can only reach 10 reps on the last set. then do dumbell curls alternating each arm 3-4 sets. then you have your choice of dumb bell concentration curls, curll bar or a machine curl. do this once a week for four weeks see what happens

Life comes by only once....Live it to the fullest!
Posts: 9
Joined: 2002/10/20
United States
2002/11/09, 06:18 PM
7707mutt is correct! Atleast from what i've been doing i have gone from curling a measly 95 (one rep max) to 125 in about 3 1/2 months my biceps have gotten fairly large in the last couple of months. Here's exactly what i do.. I do my compounds 1st - Straight Bar curls 4 sets to failure, 2 sets Reverse curls, rest a minute..then come in with the concentration excercises Standing dumbell curls 3 sets to failure., Sitting inclined dumbell curls 2 sets DONE! i only work biceps twice a week Mon Sun. The rest is much needed!! I actually think it is the big key in letting your biceps recouperate and grow. Rest!! I mix it up every now and then (different exercises) Couple of weeks later i'll throw in a light weight high rep workout. I have also gone by the diet plan on here and uped my protein intake to what they recommended and it seems to be helping overall apperance and muscle development.