Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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Big Toenail Gone

2003/03/18, 08:49 PM
I bruised my big toe pretty badly a couple months ago playing basketball, and a few weeks later, most of the nail on that toe fell off. Will the nail ever grow back? It's been a while now, and it doesn't look like it's coming back. It doesn't cause pain or bother me, but I was just wondering if it will come back since it looks pretty damn nasty. Thanks
Posts: 19
Joined: 2004/01/14
United States
2004/02/19, 08:12 PM is now February 19, 2004, and I imagine your toe nail has grown back by now. I just came across your article, and I am sorry no one else replied to it. A little known fact: Your finger nails grow back 4x faster than your toe nails. If your toe nail has yet to grow back, I suggest seeing a doctor, as they should be able to give you something to stimulate the growth of the nail. Good luck - Rodney

Pain is weakness leaving the body.
2004/02/20, 10:57 AM
ha...thanks Rodney. It is back now. I'd never lost a nail all the way to the cuticle like that before, so it made me wonder after a couple of months if it would ever come back. I'm sure I'll just do it again soon, anyway.

OSU Law Rugby....specializing in personal injury and pain & suffering.
Posts: 559
Joined: 2002/08/11
United States
2004/02/21, 02:06 PM
HA! I lost my big toenail the same way; left foot. Even funnier, I lost the right big toenail two years ago doing a move. Both have returned. Congrats on the regenerative powers :)

--There are no versions of the truth.--
Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park II
2004/02/22, 01:02 AM
This was my "Summer of the Pinky toes. I broke 'em both. Lost both nails, grew 'em back. Toes are tough.

Some times life is like herding cats.

Posts: 559
Joined: 2002/08/11
United States
2004/02/22, 02:04 PM
Please tell me this had nothing to do with cats and goal posts.

Quoting from charlie826:

This was my "Summer of the Pinky toes. I broke 'em both. Lost both nails, grew 'em back. Toes are tough.

2004/02/22, 03:17 PM
It was an outboard motor, 2x4, vibration, and a cedar chestjavascript:insertSmiley(this.form.message, ':angry:') I built... not in any particular order. No cats or goal posts.

Some times life is like herding cats.

2004/02/22, 03:20 PM
Why did my smiley come out stupid???

Ogun, I said it was an outboard motor, 2x4, vibration and a cedar chest I built.... but not in any particular order;}

Some times life is like herding cats.

Posts: 559
Joined: 2002/08/11
United States
2004/02/23, 03:57 PM
Ok, let me guess. You were being pulled behind a power speed boat on a 2x4 (you had heard it was more fun than a knee board) when into your path came a floater; a nice cedar chest.

You hollered, the boat hit the breaks, and you smacked toes first into the outboard motor. You, the boat, and a square mile of water vibrated for several seconds in the aftermath. ?
Posts: 40
Joined: 2003/04/20
New Zealand
2004/02/23, 04:02 PM
How on earth do you vibrate off a toenail?

2004/02/23, 04:04 PM
Your version is better than mine , O.

Left toe....I was working on my trolling outboard on the bench at my dock. I always keep a 2x4 handy when I am mechanicing so as to bash the bastard motor if necessary. I did somthing right, the motor cranked and the vibration jarred the 2x4 off the bench. My toe broke its fall.

Right toe....on the return trip from the can I kicked the cedar chest I built at the foot of the bed. I am a first rate cabinet maker. Cabinet 1 Charlie's pinky toe 0

Some times life is like herding cats.

Posts: 559
Joined: 2002/08/11
United States
2004/02/23, 09:41 PM
HAHA I like the real version better :D