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Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2007/11/20, 04:47 PM
I have been working on my chest now for about 4 weeks, I have seen a small very small change but nothing big. I do 200 pushups every other day and I also do the same type of workout on my chest as I do for my arms. I do bench machine bench incline and other exercises but still my chest stays flat in tips
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Joined: 2007/10/26 ![]() |
2007/11/22, 02:32 AM
You are probably overworking your muscles. Maybe lay-off of the push-ups. Whats your work out looking like? sets,weight,reps? How about your nutrition? Also, it has only been 4 weeks,...muscle gains take time.
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2007/11/22, 10:18 PM
Eat more..train yoru whole body....and stop working out 85% for women.-------------- \"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\" You have to learn to follow, before you can lead. |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2007/12/05, 03:02 PM
am just starting back up so I do aout 160 as many times as I can on the bench and then I do the machine bench at 200 and then a few other chest workouts every 3 to 4 days and am eating alot of protine and calories
Joined: 2007/11/25 ![]() |
2007/12/06, 11:48 PM
you're overtraining and you arent going to see any results if you keep on that path. Muscles dont grow when you tear them (working out) it's when they have time to repair (rest). Doing pushups all day isnt going to give you the Conan bulletproof chest. Stick to a steady schedule and lift hard. Eat right and stay positive. Go to DB's because i know you're just using barbell for the lifts you mentioned. :surprised:
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/29, 02:58 PM
I just have a question for bigandrew when someone ask how to get a bigger chest or whatever why do you and alot of other guys who have been working out for a while say something about laws and rules and you have to be in the right state of mind like thats going to make my help me instead of a good work out program no offence. By the way thanks illinoisboy84 and returnofplex for the usable advise
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2008/01/29, 03:08 PM
Because the way to a "bigger" anything is with complete Training. Sure you could copy a workout for chest, but until you train each body part with equal zeal you will not see the best results. That said what are your goals? A large powerful body, or a big bench? The workouts you are doing will not build muscle. Eating the right amount of foods combined with a good weight lifting plan will. My adivce is to take some time and read a few posts here. Learn what you can.
ALso Train your butt off. But with a good idea of what youare doing. The best thing to do is to stay in a rep range of 6-10 reps. Stick with 3-4 sets. Add in Lat work Shoudler work and Triceps they all are involved in benching. Also squat and Deadlift. -------------- FOR MY WIFE: Her little ring was a little thing but it was all that i could afford now shes mine all mine till the day i die and i never wanted nothing more 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/29, 03:50 PM
I just want a bigger chest sholders and and legs my arms are starting to get bigger thanks to a work out I got from my brother and a all around train does not work for every one I know guys who hit the bench or did pushups everyday and thier chest is huge nothing else but their chest is big and I have a friend who loves to bowl he went about 4 times a week and after about 3 to 4 months his arms where huge just from through that 50lb ball
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2008/01/29, 04:08 PM
right then go with that workout. I guess I wish I could get back the 5 minutes I spent on this good luck-------------- FOR MY WIFE: Her little ring was a little thing but it was all that i could afford now shes mine all mine till the day i die and i never wanted nothing more 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/29, 04:20 PM
lol NO I want all the help I can get all am saying is that I have tried somethings others have told me and they work like illinoisboy84 and others and some other things that have not just want all the help I can get and letting you know what works and dosn't work for me
2008/01/30, 01:59 AM
dude your workout blows...either accept that as a fact and start educating yourself on what proper lifting is all about or go along with the sh*t out there done by 99% of the population.
Doing 1000000000000000 reps is useless... Start doing heavy compound exercises with progressive load increases. If you're not deep squatting, deadlifting, push pressing, chinning, dipping, benching, etc...you're wasting your freaking time....look up a basic 5x5 or push/pull/squat workouts and start doing that.... you dont know what works for you because you are a complete and utter noob....accept it and move on... | |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 11:55 AM
every one here obsessed with cleans thats all people talk about but you may have a point as far as power and do it the proper way but if any of you where born my size with out the extra pounds you got through genetics you would put alot of that talk to bed
2008/01/30, 12:26 PM
cleans? where did I ever mention them? although they along with other olympic variations are great for power/athleticism development. But I would bet my bottom dollar that you dont do heavy full squats or deadlifts nor Push Presses or other lifts worth their weight in gold. That's why you dont see results and curse the gods for your genetics.
like i said start doing a good complete workout and then bs us about your terrible genetics. Bench press and curls dont make a good lifting program. | |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 12:57 PM
lol I have to give you that (curse the gods for your genetics) was a good line
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 12:59 PM
But I do push press around 150lb and but I have not been doing squats yes they help your all around body am going to do some today they have nothing to do with the size of your chest
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 01:51 PM
I do not get you. You bitch and moan how you can not gain weight, yet your workouts fail to add those exercises that will gain you that weight. As for a bigger chest ( or for that matter any body part) you need to LIFT consistently heavier weights. The best way to grow is to do those exercises that force the body to grow. If you added 2 inches to your biceps you would have gained 20 lbs or so, that would be spread out on your whole body. The only way to gain muscles is to work it.-------------- FOR MY WIFE: Her little ring was a little thing but it was all that i could afford now shes mine all mine till the day i die and i never wanted nothing more 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 01:56 PM
So what are you saying 7707mutt when the weight gets easy for me to left 4sets at 10reps add more weight go higher
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 01:59 PM
ADD weight
I would not be trying for 10 reps more like 5-8 -------------- FOR MY WIFE: Her little ring was a little thing but it was all that i could afford now shes mine all mine till the day i die and i never wanted nothing more 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
2008/01/30, 02:22 PM
Squats and Deadlifts are two exercises that you need to do period. They work majority of the muscles in the body and increase testosterone in the body to help you build everything else. 4x10? no.... to build strength and size you need to lift heavy 5x5 seems to work for many people. I generally lift heavier than that in the 2-3 rep area for multiple sets.
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Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 02:56 PM
so 7707mutt do about 5-8 reps with alot of weight I got you my only problem is finding the right weight. And what do you think of using :dumbbell's to work the chest also
Joined: 2004/07/22 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 03:09 PM
Dumbbells are good.
2008/01/30, 03:44 PM
Use a barbell. Dumbells, Kettlebells, Sandbags, etc are all great however barbell is superior in helping you lift maximum loads which in turn will help you gain body weight while helping you shed bodyfat(assuming u eat halfway decent diet). You can use dumbells for a secondary exercises or in your rotation during less stressful phases in your training.
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Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 03:57 PM
I here youi menace the barbell is good but I can't find a good weight to use and the dumbells are heard get your chest bigger fast what your intake on that
2008/01/30, 04:04 PM
good weight? are you kidding me?
you can do 5x5 with 80% of 1rm for example...if that's too little...add 5lb...if that's too much substract 5lb... resistance is resistance...DBs allow for greater ROM and stabilization requirements...however right now you're weak and small period...so you need to stop worrying about getting your chest bigger...and focus on getting your whole body bigger...bigger squat=bigger chest, bigger deadlift=bigger chest....i dont know how much more clear i can be... | |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 04:18 PM
see thats the thing am not weak for my size I can get to where I can bench 300 in a month or so am trying to gain mass all over my body and :dumbbell's do help and with the bar I can put on to much then take off five I guess I could try that
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 04:19 PM
I VERY highly doubt you can bench 300 in a month! What a crock of crap-------------- FOR MY WIFE: Her little ring was a little thing but it was all that i could afford now shes mine all mine till the day i die and i never wanted nothing more 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 04:23 PM
am at 250 a month or so yeah have you ever tried the pyramid technique
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 04:24 PM
LMAO So you are saying that in 30 days (maybe 8 workouts) you will be able to add 50lBS to your bench?-------------- FOR MY WIFE: Her little ring was a little thing but it was all that i could afford now shes mine all mine till the day i die and i never wanted nothing more 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2003/07/10 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 04:31 PM
I saw a kid at the gym the other day with 3 plates on each side of the smith machine. He unracked it brought it down about 6 inches and his buddy had to lift the bar because it started going down.
He stood up and screamed like he was a big bad SOB and asked his buddy if "he pushed it enough to count it"? His buddy told him yes of course and he walked around the rest of the day telling everyone in the gym that he just benched 315. Sorry, this thread made me think of that. |
2008/01/30, 04:48 PM
First of how are you benching the 250? 50 lb in 4 weeks?
Dude you're so full of sh1t it's almost amusing. first u say u want to gain mass in your chest..now it's u want to gain mass all over...but ofcourse u dont want to use barbells because it's too easy...I mean u dont want to accidently add like 500 lb to each of your lifts...I mean planet earth is only so big...:/ | |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 04:56 PM
all am saying is this I just asked a question about how to get a bigger chest its cool you all gave me all your knowledge which am sure your right and I have used alot of the advice I have gotton off here and it worked. But don't tell me that if I don't work my legs and do deadlifts,squats,and ect my chest want get bigger and my bench will not incress because I know tons of people who only work their upper body bench over 400 easy huge arms even bigger chest but little legs not saying thats what I wana do I want to work my legs am just saying don't lie to me and tell me my chest want blow up if I don't work my whole body becaue thats bull
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 05:09 PM
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2008/01/30, 06:36 PM
it's amazing it says u're 28...i would have guessed 14...
yes majority of people train like utter douchbags...bench and curls all f%cking day long 5 days a week...what is your point? majority of guys who do this do not bench 400+...most dont even bench 300... additionally most of these people develop imbalances from their training which predisposes them to injuries... so uh...the only reason to be strong is to act tough and get into fights? that's an extremely immature perspective... being strong helps in day to day life...helps maintain good health.... how is being big better than being big and strong? I personally equate big muscles with little strength as being a poser... being tough=maturity...has nothing to do with strength.. www.sherdog.com strength and power to see how fighters train. | |
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/01/30, 07:41 PM
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Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/02/01, 12:02 PM
Hello am back
2008/02/01, 01:23 PM
glad you're back. I sincerely hope you actually listen to someone this time around.
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Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/02/01, 01:42 PM
yeah thanks
Joined: 2007/11/20 ![]() |
2008/02/21, 10:33 AM
Thanks everyone and Ft for all the advice
Joined: 2008/05/09 ![]() |
2008/05/09, 12:55 AM
how can i expand my chest size which is around 38. i wanna expand it to 44.
Joined: 2003/07/10 ![]() |
2008/05/09, 08:38 AM
Joined: 2008/06/05 ![]() |
2008/06/06, 01:43 AM
dude Its gonna take time, Its not something that is gonna happen over night. It is frustrating to work hard and see little results but you have got to stick to one thing. Do the low reps high weight. something like 5x5 then directly after burn out with a weight you can only rep 22 times and go for 25, dont stop till failure. This will build your muscles endurance and help you lift the the weight you are using in the 5x5. when that happens go up in weight and so on and so forth.
Joined: 2008/05/08 ![]() |
2008/06/07, 10:27 PM
if i may add my input on this matter...I've only been working out now 6 wks and i'm seeing incredible gains... everything they are saying is right...i've worked out before but never seen any results because of the fact my diet was not there...i stick with weight training 4 days a week(m-th), and cardio 3 times a week(m,w,f)...i eat an incredible amount...more than i ever dreamed, but the fat is melting off and the muscle is coming...it's great. full body is definitely the way to go. i do 3 exercises for each body part a day. my plan goes something like this:
monday-cardio in a.m.; legs, calves, abs in p.m. tuesday-shoulders, forearms p.m. wednesday-cardio in a.m.; chest, bis, and tris in p.m. thursday-back, abs in p.m. friday-cardio in a.m. saturday and sunday-rest i eat around 3,000-3,200 cals, 200g protein, 350g carbs, and 20-25g fats a day. i've gained 10 lbs in 6 weeks. and like i said the fat is going away. every muscle in my body is getting more toned and it is incredible. i hoped this helped with anybody feeling discouraged. and if any of the more experienced have any suggestions to help me out feel free to do so. |
Joined: 2008/03/14 ![]() |
2008/06/10, 09:28 PM
i saw great results at first to but things level of eventually and gaining becomes harder trust me
Joined: 2008/05/08 ![]() |
2008/06/13, 10:58 AM
that really doesnt help me any pens. thanks for the motivation!! i know i'm gonna plateau eventually, but i'm trying to prepare myself for it. any actual advice you might have would be great!!
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2008/06/13, 12:18 PM
Ones you do plateau, you can get on creatine to start gaining again like a newbie and once that stops change your routine to a 5x5 ramp up or a Westside Template and you'll start gaining again.
I changed to the 5x5 ramping up my weight after 3 years of split routines and have been seeing great results and growth! ============ Quoting from jmitch1023: that really doesnt help me any pens. thanks for the motivation!! i know i'm gonna plateau eventually, but i'm trying to prepare myself for it. any actual advice you might have would be great!! ============= -------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |
Joined: 2008/03/14 ![]() |
2008/06/13, 12:23 PM
the one big thing that sticks out to me is that you train chest bis and tris all on the same day i would move chest to another day thats just me. mabye you could train 5 days a week. congrats on the gains.
Joined: 2008/03/14 ![]() |
2008/06/13, 12:26 PM
hey sf i didn't know creatine could do that how does it do that? i know it can give you the ability to train longer.
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2008/06/13, 12:48 PM
Creatine is best used but most argue me on it after your newbie gains have stopped and then you will start gaining again and it worked just like that for me, I learned it from BB1.
Now after long use of creatine it's still helps get the lift and strength going but slower and once you stop creatine you will lose some strength. -------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2008/06/13, 12:50 PM
When I did splits I did chest and bis' as a day and tris got hit on upper back and shoulder day.-------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2008/06/13, 01:43 PM
============ Quoting from jmitch1023: if i may add my input on this matter...I've only been working out now 6 wks and i'm seeing incredible gains... everything they are saying is right...i've worked out before but never seen any results because of the fact my diet was not there...i stick with weight training 4 days a week(m-th), and cardio 3 times a week(m,w,f)...i eat an incredible amount...more than i ever dreamed, but the fat is melting off and the muscle is coming...it's great. full body is definitely the way to go. i do 3 exercises for each body part a day. my plan goes something like this: monday-cardio in a.m.; legs, calves, abs in p.m. tuesday-shoulders, forearms p.m. wednesday-cardio in a.m.; chest, bis, and tris in p.m. thursday-back, abs in p.m. friday-cardio in a.m. saturday and sunday-rest i eat around 3,000-3,200 cals, 200g protein, 350g carbs, and 20-25g fats a day. i've gained 10 lbs in 6 weeks. and like i said the fat is going away. every muscle in my body is getting more toned and it is incredible. i hoped this helped with anybody feeling discouraged. and if any of the more experienced have any suggestions to help me out feel free to do so. ============= I don't like your routine and it's a split not full body. You can get in less days by mixing up your routine better like: Monday Legs, lower back, forearms if needed and Abs Tuesday Cardio Wednesday Chest and Bi's Thursday Cardio Friday Back, Shoulders, Tris', Traps and abs. A fully body is hitting the whole body in 1 day 2 to 3 times a week. I do a 5x5 and it looks like this: 5x5 = Sets x Reps Monday Squat 5 x 5 Flat Bench 5 x 5 V-Bar Rows 5 x 5 Assistance: 3 x 5 Weighted Chin-ups 3 x Calves 8-12 Reps 3 x Weighted Abs 3 x Weighted Oblique's ------------------------------- Wednesday Squat 4 x 5 Push Press 4 x 5 Deadlifts 4 x 5 Assistance: 3 x Pull-ups to Failure 3 x Uprights 6-9 Reps 3 x Rear Delts 8-12 --------------------------------- Friday Squat 5 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 8 Flat Bench 5 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 8 V-Bar Rows 5 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 8 Assistance: 3 x 5 Weighted Dips 3 x Close Grip Bench 6-9 Reps 3 x Abs 3 x Oblique's -------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! |