Group dedicated to men and women over the age of 40 that care about their health and want to take the fitness and nutrition down the right path.
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Joined: 2001/03/26 ![]() |
2001/04/06, 11:45 AM
Hi I would like to have some comments on how to reduce body fat and a large belly. I have just joined this site last week and I hope it helps. I am also in the body for life challenge and have made pretty good progress. I am 61 yrs. old, I started out @ 220# with 34.2%bf. I am now down to 190# with 22%bf. My goal is 185 or lower and bf@10%. I have about 3weeks left.My big problem is when I lose weight I also lose muscle. Keith |
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Joined: 2001/02/10 ![]() |
2001/04/08, 04:45 AM
Wow! You're doing great! Don't change a thing! You've lost 30lbs and dropped 12.2% of your bf! If I read you right this is all in about 9 weeks, right? Thats very good progress. As far as Bill Phillips and his program goes you need to understand that this is all marketing stradegy to sell his product. I know I know he seems like such a nice young man who is a very caring and giving individual. Who better to buy your supplements from? It's no coincdence however that the leangth of his Challenge is 12 weeks and that just happens to be the leagnth of time that the average Joe will spend on a new exercise program before he stops . |
Joined: 2001/02/10 ![]() |
2001/04/08, 04:53 AM
hmmm...So it stands to profit him if he can get you using his products for your 12 week bid at a new life. After that he figures you're off the market and he managed to get you to be faithful to his product line for the duration. The guy's a guenis!! Most beginners who try supplements try this brand and that brand, looking for the best kick. He has a stradegy that will keep you in his store the whole time. I know he says buy any brand you want, But if you can afford his you will most likely buy his because afterall he's a great guy and you can trust him. |
Joined: 2001/03/26 ![]() |
2001/04/09, 01:02 AM
Your absolutly right about his market and salesmanship. He's a great guy but now he's no longer running the program. He still gets payed by them and he still premotes the supplement. The only thing I get is what he calls simply protein which is a whey protein and I feel you need more protein when you body build. Beside that $100,000 sounds awful good. As far as the fat belly I've reach a platue and have stop losing anything and I'm not sure where to go from here. Any suggestion ? Keith |
Joined: 2001/02/10 ![]() |
2001/04/09, 01:42 AM
Are you doing any cardio, or just weight training? If not try adding a few 20 or 30 min sesions a week. If you feel you are up to it another thing you might try is the 12 week ab program on this site. It's pretty intense though, as far as ab work goes, so you might have to modify it a bit to suit your level of fitness. Some folks progress faster than others so you need to know your body and what you can really do. But it could be just the ticket to bust your platue. |
Joined: 2001/03/26 ![]() |
2001/04/13, 12:01 AM
I am doing cardio on my off days for about 25min hight intensity and sometimes I do low intensity before I got to bed, I read someplace that it help your matabalizim burn fat when you sleep for a couple of hours. I did join the 12 week ab program on this site and I think it's figured into my program that FT set up for me. Just to update you a little I have lost another 2lbs but I still don't see any muscle growth. I did have some muscle burn for the first time when I did my legs but no soreness the next day. |
Joined: 2004/03/17 ![]() |
2004/03/17, 08:51 PM
Hello...I am new to this site. I just need some help getting started. I need to lose this belly, and the fat around the belly! How can I get motivated to do something so I don't feel so tired and run down all the time? I hate to exercise...and I have so little time. Can anyone help? Thanks. Eva:(
Joined: 2003/09/30 ![]() |
2004/03/17, 08:58 PM
Well you cannot spot reduce fat. It will take a diet overhall and exercise. There are many ways to motivate yourself just look around the boards. If you hate to excercise then you will need to find a activity you enjoy. Also fill out your profile so that we can better answer your questions Good Luck - Mike-------------- I am that which must be feared, worshipped and adored. The world is mine now and forever.No one holds command over me. No man. No god. I am a beast and that is enough. |
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2004/03/17, 08:59 PM
Eva, Eva, Eva, slow down, you have come to the right place for motivation and advice. Why don't you fill in your profile so all of us will be able to help you better.
This is the first place to get started. read the posts, and get familiar with the site. Alot of friendly and knowladgeable people on here. How about posting on the inroduce yourself forum.:big_smile: -------------- "A will finds a way, failure is not an option" Ivan Montreal Canada |
Joined: 2005/02/24 ![]() |
2005/02/24, 01:30 AM
Hello I am new to this site. I'm 25 years old 5'5 and 157 lbs. I would like to get down to at least a good 137 by summer.What are the best exercises for the belly and thigh areas? Thanx.:cool:
Joined: 2004/05/28 ![]() |
2005/02/24, 09:45 AM
This post kinda died back in March of 2004, so I'm glad I found you, lol!! Welcome to FT and check out the exercise and nutritional programs FREE here! Good luck to you and with your goals!!-------------- Veda MISERY IS OPTIONAL ***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged. ***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan. HAVE A GREAT DAY! |
Joined: 2006/11/11 ![]() |
2006/11/11, 09:29 AM
:)i want to loose my belly,whats the diet , pls help me i wanna have a perfect figure
Joined: 2009/01/17 ![]() |
2009/01/17, 07:12 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm new, and been trying to lose weight for a while now. I'm 45,and seem to have no energy at times. I really need to pull myself together. I feel terrible with this weight I'm looking for a chat buddie for tips, suggestions, anything would help and to chat. I hope I'm doing this right. lizzylose |