Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Burnout Set?

Posts: 5
Joined: 2003/06/24
United States
2003/09/09, 06:02 PM
After I complete my sets of 15, 12, 9, and 6, I like to finish my work out with a burnout set. I usually do bench or military press at about 40%-50% of my max and lift at a faster, but controlled pace until my muscles can lift no longer. Here's my question, besides muscle endurance what muscle mass gains (if any) are achieved and is this counter-productive, in just burning much needed calories? Thanks for the advice!
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2003/09/09, 11:17 PM
You answered your own question pretty much. A "burnout" set, a set to exhaustion, can be productive sometimes, but I would do it for a specific bodypart when finishing that bodypart, not at the end of the workout and go back to something you have already done. For instance, if you are doing triceps, do your required sets/reps, and when you are done with them, if you feel you need it then do a "burnout" set for triceps for that extra pump. This is a method I wouldn't do all the time, just periodically on different body parts for kind of a shock to destroy any remaining muscle fibers that haven't been hit on that particular part.

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