2003/04/25, 06:40 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm new here. I'm 35 years old and have been exercising for roughly seven years off and on. I have been going to the gym religiously for the past four months and have worked up to a 3.5 mile run after which I walk uphill for one mile. I also train with weights. I thought I would have at least lost inches, but I had my evaluation today and according to my measurements, I have gained weight AND inches. However a couple of people at work have told me that I have DEFinitely lost weight.
I'm feeling like the gym is just trying to get me to buy personal training and supplements(which I cannot afford presently), but I would hate to think that they are being dishonest about any progress I may have made in order to push the issue. It just seems impossible to me that I have been working out 4 times a week in my target heart-rate for one hour and have GAINED weight and inches.
Does anybody have any input?
Thanks a bunch. I'm just now beginning to pay attention to my eating habits because that may be the answer.
Thank you very much.
2003/04/25, 07:27 PM
Hi Robin!
Gaining weight, as you alluded to, could be okay if it was muscle replacing fat...but if you're gaining inches - maybe some of the experts can help with that one.
Personally...I find that sometimes when I'm more active I eat more - kind of use it as an excuse for a dessert I shouldn't have or even extra healthy foods. Wonder if you're doing the same?
Good luck!
2003/04/26, 12:30 PM
Hi Kirby,
Yeah, I've been prompted to take a second look at how I'm eating. I guess I do "cheat" here and there but I guess there is no other explanation. I have to take responsibility for what and how I have been eating. So today it's off to the supermarket to make some changes!
Thanks for your reply!
2003/04/26, 12:40 PM
Hi lifeinthe! (fastlane)?
What you are experiencing is your body going through some natural changes from the exercising. You are obviously increrasing some of your muscles' size. So, it is basically pushing out under the fatty tissue. Keep doing what you are doing, and DON'T buy any products from the gym. If you do buy product check on line and pro-shops.
Like Kirby said, adjust the diet, I know exactly what she means, we see great gains and motivation from the workout, and still think we could have those french fries and gravy. LOL. We don't have Twinkies in Canada.
BTW Keep tyhe good cardio work and resistance training.
-------------- We must become the change we want to see.
Ivan Montreal Canada
2003/04/27, 02:00 PM
Thank you so much Ivan. You and Kirby have been very helpful. I became TOTALLY discouraged after my visit to the gym, but I'm ready to begin anew with my workout from this site and by following my nutritional diet from this site as well.
Thanks so much for the support. It really got me psyched up to continue at the gym much faster than I could have psyched mySELF up.
2003/05/01, 11:22 AM
Glad to hear I'm not the only one in this boat! I've been training for an upcoming adventure race by lifting, running, mountain biking - the most extensive regimen I've ever done - and much to my dismay have found myself weighing more than I ever have and having my clothes fit more snug.
I have a feeling that I've also been rewarding my hard work with more food, particularly more junk food. Thanks for raising my consciousness to that habit.