2007/04/17, 01:15 PM
Considering that chocolate naturally contains caffiene, would it be logical to assume that chocolate-flavored protein shakes contain a little caffiene? Or do these shakes use artificial flavoring? In short, do (most) chocolate-flavored protein shakes contain caffiene??
2007/04/17, 03:54 PM
DEPENDS. You need to check ingredients.
Are you avoiding it? or are you trying to take it for improved performance?
2007/04/17, 04:40 PM
Try reading this.
2007/04/17, 05:09 PM
As that article states, chocolate can have added caffeine. Simplest would to be check the ingredient label, no?
2007/04/17, 07:00 PM
All of the chocolate protein powders I have seen do not state that they contain caffeine, however they do list cocoa powder as an ingredient. The caffeine content of cocoa powder varies between 0.1 and 0.5%. Too low of a figure to really matter in my opinion.