2003/12/15, 09:55 AM
Hi! this is my first post here. Ive put myself on an intensive 2 month program to lose the 30lbs & 8% body fat I gained in the past 6mths so I can go back to modelling. I am training 6x a week with aerobic/cardio kickboxing @80% MHR and anaerobic weights 3x/wk. Supplement wise, I take 1/2tsp Musashi micronised creatine 1/2tsp L-Glutamine, & HMB 20mins before my morning cardio on an empty stomach. About 1/2hr before that I take 1capsule Sida Cordifolia, an aspirin, & 1 cup of green tea (not too much so it doesnt limit creatine absorption). Immediately after each workout I take creatine & glutamine again, and about 1/2hr after that I take a 120calorie Soya Protein Isolate 100%pure powder mixed with water. I also take a multivitamin, ground flaxseeds, Omega3, Chromium Picolinate (400mg), drink green tea all day along with over a gallon of iced water.
Ive done heaps of research & thats the program Ive come up with. My aim is to lose bodyfat whilst maintaining & increasing lean muscle. Im currently on a high protein low carb (20carbs/day) Atkins style 1400calorie diet 5-6meals/day. Im aiming for 90-100grams protein/day to prevent catabolism (altho low carb seems to reduce chances of it).
I was wondering if Im on the right path to success? Or am I taking too many supplements? Any advice & inspiration would be fantastic :) Thanks in advance!