Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 379, Messages: 54578

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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Can you Set my goal ?

Posts: 95
Joined: 2001/08/16
2001/08/22, 09:00 PM
need to ask..

I'm 18 years old, i'm 5'6 and i weight 140, had a consistant program for about 2.5 months had 20 pounds of gain... but i really dont have any goal.. ofcours i want to gain weight and get big but i really dont know how much more do i have to gain...

if any of you could help me would be great.. like i want to know that with my hight of 5'6 how much can i weight if i get to the max... what would be a good weight 3 months from now or what would be a good weight 6 months from now...

any comments can help me alot..

Thanks Alot for your Time...

Posts: 138
Joined: 2001/08/03
United States
2001/08/23, 08:39 AM
These sound like personal decisions you need to make about your body. Lee Priest is about your height and weighs in around 230 I believe. Of course, he is an Olympia bodybuilder. If your goal is pure mass without the corresponding bodybuilding look of cut muscularity, just keep gaining. If your goal is to be a "bodybuilder," I would suggest maintaining a bodyfat percentage of 8-12% while putting on mass. I have lost 20+lbs since April and have improved my bench by 40+lbs. Strength/mass and low bodyfat can be obtained at the same time with proper diet and training.
Posts: 1,112
Joined: 2000/11/27
2001/08/23, 08:58 AM

at 18 years of age.. you are seem ready for heavy lifting. At the height of 5'6" a good weight for you with a muscular build would be 160-170.. at a bf& of 8-10%.

I would suggest a mass & basic training program. I recommend the 12 week mass program here on ft.

In terms of diet.. eat atleast 4 meals a day - better to have 6. Eat plenty of protein.

You may supplement your diet with Creating & Glutamine.

Good Luck.

.o0 Arnold 0o.
Posts: 125
Joined: 2001/05/04
2001/08/25, 09:08 AM
what are your goals? Do you actually want to be fit and play any sports or do u just want to be big?
Posts: 95
Joined: 2001/08/16
2001/08/25, 06:16 PM
i want to be big... gain as much muscile mass as i can... wanna be a bodybuilder.... make my body to its maximum...

waiting on you mongrel2012


Posts: 125
Joined: 2001/05/04
2001/08/25, 10:39 PM
sorry I can't really help you with bodybuilding much :(.. I'm more into a good combination of speed and strength.

Still, if you follow your workout program and diet honestly, in 6 months you should be able to gain 20 pounds of pure muscle in 6 months
Posts: 95
Joined: 2001/08/16
2001/08/26, 12:56 AM
not a problem mongrel2012...

thanks for your time and comment...

