Group: Experienced Exercise

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cardio programs please

Posts: 22
Joined: 2001/11/08
United States
2001/11/11, 10:23 PM
i was just wondering if anyone out there had any really good cardio programs used mainly for fat burning. any ideas are surely appreciated. thanks!
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2001/11/12, 03:39 AM
Do cardio early in the morning on empty stomach (after only morning coffee...) 3-4 times per week 30-45 min and when used to it, do 30-45 mins of slow cardio every night 3-4 times per week as well.
An other good idea is to go for a small walk after every meal. This will turn up the metabolism and make you digest faster and better.
Finally one thing you have to know is that cardio often isn't a question of how long you do it, but more how often. Of course you'll end up burning more fat when doing cardio for more than 30 min, but if you only have time to do 2 times 15 min, you'll still burn calories and since weight loss is a question about calories....
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2001/11/12, 07:37 AM
Where do you doing your cardio, home, gym, outside ? What machines or classes are available to you? There are lots of ideas to keep it mixed up but need to know the answers to the above.........
Posts: 196
Joined: 2001/10/07
United States
2001/11/12, 12:38 PM
Read this for ideas. The trick to burning fat is to interval train. That is, work at a normal pace, then bump the pace up as much as you can, then slow down, then back up and so on. This will increase your metabolism causing you to burn more calories throughout the day.

"The 'Fat-Burning Zone' Myth"
copyright 2001 by Greg Landry, M.S.

You've probably heard it, "you have to exercise
at a lower intensity to burn more fat.. to get
in the "fat-burning zone." guess what, it's a

Here's how it got started. Your body is always
"burning" a mixture of carbohydrates and fat
for fuel. This mixture tends to contain a
little more fat during lower intensity exercise.
Somebody took this to mean that a lower
intensity workout was best for losing weight..
not so!

1. It all comes from the same "pot". It doesn't
matter if you're burning a little more fat or a
little more carbohydrate at any particular time
in your fuel mix. It all comes from the same
calorie pool. The bottom line is, how many
calories are you burning.

2. Moderate intensity exercise actually burns
more calories in a given time period. For
example, you may burn 200 calories during a
30 minute low intensity exercise session and
300 calories during a 30 minute moderate
intensity exercise session. Bottom line..
burning more calories is better for weight

3. Moderate intensity exercise increases your
basal metabolic rate (BMR) more than lower
intensity exercise. This means that you'll burn
more calories 24 hours-a-day.

4. Here's the one I like! Moderate intensity
exercise gives you a better "high"! You know,
the "exercise high" you get when your body
releases endorphins and adrenaline. This can
really elevate your mood and is great for
people who are depressed.