2003/08/18, 04:50 PM
Hey Ksee,
The best time to do cardio is the time that you actaully do it. There is no right or wrong time, just like there is no better cardio equipment than another. Some say the treadmill is the best cardio equipment but if you don't actually get on that treadmill, that statement is just hearsay. If you don't like getting up in the morning then that's not the right time for you. I've tried early morning cardio, nothing improved and I hated every minute of it. But everyone is different. What doesn't work for me will work for someone else.
There will always be a conflicting opinion on when, where, why to perform things, that's life for you everyone putting in the two cents. You just have to try it and if it works for you "Just Do It... The Way You Want To.." (a little twist on that old Nike saying...)