2006/01/07, 06:10 PM
I can't answer this for you, but I am wondering if it has something to do with age, also, I did not have cellulite until I reached my late 30's. I was always so smug about not having any, remembering even the slimest, fittest girls way back in high school even having it, maybe it just came back to haunt me? Actually, though, I was guilty of not working out hardly at all and I am sure that is why it crept up on me but I wondered if age has something to do with it? So here is the skinny on the cellulite:
How To Fight Cellulite
Wayne L. Westcott, Ph.D.,
and Rita La Rosa Loud, B.S.
Basically, we all experience undesirable changes in our body composition as we age, most notably less muscle and more fat. As illustrated in Figure 1, the average woman loses about five pounds of muscle and adds about 15 pounds of fat every decade of adult life. At first, this muscle reduction goes unnoticed because of the additional fat and greater body weight. Also, until significant muscle tissue is lost, our fat stores are fairly evenly layered between the underlying muscle and the overlying skin.
However, as time goes on more of the muscle that gives us a solid, firm, and toned physical appearance is reduced and replaced by increasing amounts of fat. Because fat is exceptionally soft tissue, it doesn’t keep our skin taught like muscle does. Consequently, when there is too little muscle to maintain our shape, the skin tends to take on the lumpy look of the irregular fat deposits. This typically results in a cottage cheese-like appearance, which we refer to as cellulite.
You can read more on the details of cellulite here: http://www.ssymca.org/quincy/cellulite_info.htm
-------------- Veda
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Just live life and enjoy it!