Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Changing Exercises

Posts: 992
Joined: 2003/02/26
United States
2003/06/23, 04:23 PM
I have been using the Home Exercise Program for the past 3 months. I just bought some free weights and changed my work program to reflect that but I have a few questions for the masses
1 - As weird as it sounds, I do not have somewhere to do the wide grip chins. The only other exercise listed for that specific back group are pull downs. My bench is not equiped for pull downs. Are there any other exercises using free weights that I can sub for the wide grip chins or pull downs
2 - Can I sub exercises that are in the same muscle targeting catagory. example - Dumbell Incline Presses for Barbell Incline Bench presses.
3 - My bench does not incline so will doing the exercises that call for being inclined while being flat change the effectiveness of the exercise
Thanks for any replys
Posts: 288
Joined: 2003/04/22
United States
2003/06/24, 11:26 AM
I would work with what you have ATIGER. The workout given in your program is really trying to give a good balance for all your body parts.

1- I would try to get a chinup bar. That will help with alot of your back muscles in the "pull" direction.

2- I think it would be fine to switch the dumbell / barbell moves if you have no choice.

3- This targets slightly different muscle areas. But still better than nothing at all!

Maybe once you stick with this a while longer you may decide to join up at a gym if possible or increase your equipment assortment. Good luck!

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