2001/01/27, 05:51 PM
have anyof you guys competed in a teens contest?
2001/01/27, 08:40 PM
No, i haven't
2001/01/28, 02:29 AM
me neither
2001/01/29, 01:00 AM
I have!
2001/01/29, 09:38 PM
It is something that everyone should experience. Gives you a sense of accomplishment. The pre-contest phase (10-14 weeks) is a true test of your determination and ability to control your urges. Immagine eating strict for 10 weeks, every meal right on schedule. After you while you get urges to go out and eat everything in the house.
The actual competition is great too. You get to see what it's like being on stage, having judges look at you and pick at your weak points :) The hot lights, the audience... it's great!
2001/01/31, 08:00 PM
hav u competed alot, howd u do. when r u gona compete again
2001/02/01, 08:20 AM
I've only competed twice; once I placed dead last and the second time I placed first. I am 22, and I will probably compete again some day, but I'm not a junior anymore so it will take a lot of time until I'm up to par with the adult classes.
2001/02/01, 07:30 PM
thast cool i wana try it out see how i do
2001/05/07, 01:12 AM
Yes, But no big titles...I wish to compete state level this year in maharashtra,India.
2001/05/07, 01:12 AM
Yes, But no big titles...I wish to compete state level this year in maharashtra,India.