I used to crave salt all the time. I used put salt on everything! It was like this my entire life. About 8 months ago, I suddenly stopped craving salt. Being health conscious I tried to figure out what had changed in my life that might account for this. So I went online and did some research. Something I came across mentioned that salt cravings in women could be caused by an iodine deficiency. I checked out my multivitamin that I had began taking 2 weeks earlier and sure enough it contained the maximum daily allowance of iodine. (I used to think iodine was only used in hospitals):) If I forget to take my vitamins I always have a craving for salt, I but if I am taking my vitamins regularly I detest salt...just the thought if it makes me sick!! Now perhaps, that I know the information it could be psycosomatic. but when i first lost the craving I had no idea.