I just strarted taking powdered Creatine Monohydrate yesterday. 5 g before working out and 5 g before bed. This morning I had some bad diarrhea. Is this a normal side effect? Will this go away? What does this mean? Should I stop taking Creatine?
2005/04/09, 09:50 PM
I suggest you take creatine 5 grams a day for first 30 days directly following a workout....then just take 2-3 grams every day or 5 grams every other day following your workout....
diarrhea is one of the sideeffects of creatine...it may go away with continued use....you may want to try newer versions of micronized or the better absorbing new variant out called CEE....you will need 1/2 dosage with it...gl
in future please post supplement quesitons in supplement section...