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Joined: 2004/12/28 ![]() |
2005/02/04, 07:02 PM
ok guys...i gotta agrre the deadlift is an amazing exercise for strength but it is quite demanding as well.....after reading on the posts on this forum, i decided to incorporate deadlifting into my routine, i was doing quite well until tuesday and then i injured my lower back....it seems i didnt use enough leg and picked up the entire weight with my lower back, i felt a stretching, tearing sensation and now im laiid up and having a hard time standing or walking.....
im sure some of you guys have injured yourself one time or another in the deadlift.....any advice on how i can recover ???? and any advice on how to work my way back into the gym ?????? thankx :) |
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Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2005/02/04, 07:40 PM
A couple key points
1. The deadlift is an advanced lift. I would recommend building your base up and then slowly introducing heavier dl's... 2. Usually an injury to the lower back means improper form. Again, learn the form, then and only then move onto weight. 3. The deadlift requires great posterior chain strength. Strengthen your lower back, glutes, and hams, and then return. As for recovery, RICE, static stretching in the morning, dynamic stretching at night, and when you do return try some light hyperextensions/reverse hyperextensions just to get the blood flowing back into your back. -------------- Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even. steve |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2005/02/05, 04:45 PM
sounds like to me your ego got too big......and thought it would be "easy".......dls aren't like bench pressing......you can cheat a lil on bench and not get hurt........do somthing wrong on dl... and your gonna know it! -------------- My drinking squad, has a cheerleading problem!! |
2005/02/06, 03:55 AM
I had same thing happen to me...but this is also how I got up fastin DL...
I use much more back strength than most people...with my older technique I had bar a few inches from my legs....so I leaned more....one time I lifted bar couple inches of the floor and described what you felt...I collapsed on the floor in moderate/bad pain....however being stupid after a few minutes I was still pumped up....I went and finished my back workout with pulldowsn and t-rows...next day I couldn't do anything, sit, lay, stand..NOTHING...excruciating pain....it took about 5 minutes to get up...one leg over the other, turn over on stomach, slide down on my knees....bracing myself sideways get up....I basically got 3 pills into my computer chair and sat most of the day like day....I thought I would have to go to the hospital....but to my shock the extreme pain went away towards the end of the day (most of which I spent on the web)......it was shocking to me....but nevertheless...this taught me 2 things...to re-evaluate my technique and to perhaps rethink poundage increments....sometimes u put in calculator 10 reps at X = Y ...that almost never works out that way...so be aware... when you do it....focus on PERFECT FORM....back arched.....increased usage of hips/hamstrings... inittially...you should ice the area to prevent extreme swelling...for 15-20 minutes every hour ...several times......maybe wrap a back brace....for compression...RICE works well... do this for 2 days... After 48 hours, apply heat to the area to help with healing... | |
2005/02/06, 03:58 AM
3 pillows*..lol...for comfort....I took no back medication(maybe it was dumb not to take it...)
most of the day like that*....I am glad I am not penalized for spelling...lol | |
Joined: 2004/12/28 ![]() |
2005/02/07, 12:56 PM
Yep...i have to admit the reason i got injured was poor form,its easy to maintain proper form at the lighter weights but i wanted to push the envelope and my form failed, i was driving with my legs but since it was so damn heavy (445) i kicked my lower back into the lift before my legs were finished driving, so basically i performed a version of "good morning" with a curved back !
Menance, how long did it take for you to recover ???? back to lifting and normal routine ? |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2005/02/07, 01:58 PM
having never dl'ed before, your tried 445?
No offense... you deserved what you got.....stop lifting with your ego. -------------- My drinking squad, has a cheerleading problem!! |
2005/02/07, 04:58 PM
it went from extreme pain to regular soreness in just a day...it was a miracle I am telling you...puresrfr don't take me as an example tho.. ...I have worked on lowerback/deadlift for 3 years now so I worked up to it...and my back/lower back has always been much stronger than my legs...hence my style of lifting.....other can injure themselves like this...I push with my lower back to get the weight moving of the ground as opposed to with hips...but I also train my back/legs once every 2-3 weeks so I have A LOT of time to recover....
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Joined: 2003/10/01 ![]() |
2005/02/08, 11:14 AM
I don't deadlift all of the time. I deadlift heavy once or twice every 9 weeks Do things to build your deadlift. Always use proper form. Let your back heal. See a doc to eliminate anything major and then work back slow until you feel better. If you need specific advice then drop me a line.
Joined: 2002/02/17 ![]() |
2006/02/18, 11:35 AM
Hello to everyone. I haven't been here in a few months as I, like several others apparantly, have injured my back.
I'm sure it will come as no surprise that I was deadlifting. I was only at 225 lb. but the weight doesn't matter. I performed several starting at a lighter weight and moving up when I just hit it wrong and "bang". Drop the weight and hit the floor. I saw the doctor who told me the L5 disc had thinned out. Took meds and it was getting better. I pretty much stopped lifting as everything affected the muscles in the back. A couple months later I injured again lifting a toilet, then lifting something at work. Now the nerve is being pressed causing pain down my right leg all the way to the bottom of my foot. I am convinced it is a disc. I will start going to therapy next week. I thought I would check here about anyone injuring their back for some recommendations. I noticed someone did make some suggs. It was the person going by the screen name of "wrestler 125". I walk with a limp due to the pain in my butt cheek. I was hoping I might be able to get some good suggestions from others and if maybe "wrestler" could explain the exercises he was talking about. Thank you so much everyone. ace(john) |
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2006/02/18, 11:58 AM
I am amazed by the injuries you all are talking about. I have been doing DL for over 12 years ( I spent a long time of that overtraining but that is another post). I still do not understand how you all got hurt. -------------- Less Talk, More Chalk! The Men and Boys are Separated by one thing: The Squat Cage! 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
2006/02/18, 01:08 PM
Ace Glute/Ham, Hyperextensions, reverse hyperextensions, goodmornings all help strengthen lowerback....I like hyperextensions...this is how I got over my very first back injury from squatting.....getting progressively heavier.....
Ace stretching lower back may help you....as may stretching your glutes, hams, and hips.... I injured myself by pushing too hard....the first time I started deadlifting seriously(I messed around with truly atrocious form with 315 couple years beforehand) I did 405 and then 455 right away(obviously I had no clue I could do it, only did it as a joke when my powerlifting friend couldn't lock out 405).....although I have been doing heavy hyperextensions on a machine for over a year....however,the mistake I made was that just because I can do something on a given day doesn't mean I can replicate that on another day....it's been a learning experience listening to my body....I now learned to back off when I feel lethargic or don't have much power.... | |
Joined: 2002/02/17 ![]() |
2006/02/19, 06:18 PM
Mutt, all I can say to you is that you have been either lucky or you know what your doing. I would think the latter if you have been doing it for 12 years. You learned early what I didn't. I have injured my back in the past as well. Maybe age playes into it, are you 35 or younger?
Menace 3000. Damn, look are looking good brother. Thanks for the feedback. Streching is just what the therapy sessions will concentrate on. I have tried doing some leg extentions lying on my back with my leg straight up the wall and it hurts, I have to go slow. I will just keep it up and try some other ones as well. I can't bend over with any weight right now let alone trying some goodmornings. I was doing close to 200 on the goodmornings at one time but thought I doing something wrong to be using that much weight as I have been told it should be light so I cut the weight in half and did more reps. I hate not being able to work out I am getting pretty tired of injuries though. I severed the bicep tendon on my left arm once as it ruptured, that was weird. Got over it and something else happens. No pain no gain I guess and injury is just part of it. What you said about feeling lethargic is interesting. I have felt that way and try to push through it hitting the same weight I previoisly had. Gets me so mad when I can't hit it. I was feeling lethargic the day I hurt myself of the dl. Thought it was light so wasn't being real careful. I think my brain gets lethargic sometimes to. Well, thanks again to not only you menace but also mutt for his input. |
Joined: 2003/10/01 ![]() |
2006/02/19, 08:47 PM
I've never injured my back deadlifting either. You need to be smart about training deads. It is like any other exercise. If you do it wrong you will get hurt.
2006/02/19, 09:40 PM
Goodmorning heavy is fine. To have a big squat, your goodmorning should be at least 60% of 1rm squat...at least in the opinion of Dave Tate. I have safely done 315 for 8 reps....it's a pain in the a$$ on the neck but no problems for the back... so feel free to train it hard ACe, just like any other exercise...
I think maxing deadlift 2-4 times a year is good but otherwise I would train with 3-5 reps...and give yourself plenty of time to recover...I have found best success of going near failure for 3-5 reps for 2-3 sets every 2-3 weeks...and then maxing once every few months...although as the poundages have increased for me, the 1 rep maxing has become very rare.....to where I do it maybe 1-2 times a year.... | |
Joined: 2006/02/15 ![]() |
2006/02/20, 05:43 PM
hmm when you guys say RICE, do you mean rice like you eat, or rice like you put in a sock and heat in the microwave and put on your arms or somehting?
Joined: 2003/10/01 ![]() |
2006/02/20, 06:00 PM
R = Rest
I = Ice C = Compression E = Elevate |
Joined: 2006/02/15 ![]() |
2006/02/20, 06:13 PM
heh awesome, it's kind of embarassing after you have the answer lol
Joined: 2002/06/18 ![]() |
2006/02/24, 01:00 AM
I am 35 going on 35 this year. All I can say is that I have very good genes in the back area.-------------- Less Talk, More Chalk! The Men and Boys are Separated by one thing: The Squat Cage! 7707mutt@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2002/02/17 ![]() |
2006/03/25, 03:23 PM
puresurfr. I feel for ya buddy. I did the same thing you have. I have been out for going on 4 months now. That is me. I have injured my back several times before with bad form and not streching properly so obviously the more you injure yourself the worse it will be. What I ended up doing was going to therapy a couple times as it is so hard for me to do it continually. My back is getting better but it not fully healed yet. I did some weird streches and basic moves as lying on the floor stomach down and lifting one leg at a time a few inches off the ground, up then down slowly. Basically what is being done is that I was reworking the muscles and lightly strenghtening them. You have to be so very careful with the form as so many people have said. Constant injury to the same area could mess you up for life. The area you are injuring is the L5 disc in your lower back. The last disc, and this is the one that gets all the pressure from bending and so forth. Proper form is imp. and go with lighter weight for a while, say 100 lbs or less maybe with higher reps. Dude, I have a friend at work that injured his lower back, L5, to the point of requiring rods put in. He will never be deadlifting again. Tried it once and broke the titanium rods in his back. Another surgery, new rods and no more lifting. Caution cannot be stressed enough, it only takes once so listen to the advise of others with the proper form, streching, weight etc. If you haven't injured yourself before and are pretty young you won't be out as long as I have. Maybe within a month, maybe less you can lift again but you must go light as the injury is still there and would be very easy to reinjure which will cause more pain, damage and time out. This is my personal suggestion to you. Use heat on the back with the streching and don't rush yourself. The advise of others I would think will be similiar. Alot of what I now know I got from my fellow lifters here at free trainers. Good luch and God bless
Joined: 2008/09/03 ![]() |
2008/09/03, 05:20 PM
Hi every one I'm new here. I injured my right pectorial area doing a dead lift. My chest hurts when I move my shoulder up n down n in n out as well as lifting anything with my back arched forward. First I thought it was muscle but know I'm thinking it is more like some kind of tendon or chest conecting structure. I'm able to bech press about 70 % of my max weight. Pain is more prominent in the morning when I first get up. Any sujestions on what to do to hill cartlige or tendon? Thanks
Joined: 2010/03/16 ![]() |
2010/03/17, 12:17 AM
hi, i am in pain as i type this and for the life of me cant find the thread on deadlift injury, you please mods, feel free to move this to the the right thread.
i noticed 1 or 2 people posting remerkes like"i cant believe you got hurt while deadlifting" or "im deadlifting all my lifs and nothing like this has ever happened " and so on. well, i want to give you a brief account of what happened to me 14h ago in the gym. {b.t.w. i am a qualified p.t. an ex drug free powerlifter who has competed at world level,ann on top of that an ironman triathlon finisher.} the above may sound pretensious but i want to naill home the fact that i have a lot of experience, and consider myself an advanced lifter.. anyway, last night. ran to the gym, 20 minutes or so in a lower heart rate zone to warm up and use my time wisely, went to the lifting platform where i did my usual static and dynamic mix of strectches. nothing strange there. then to the empty bar. power clean. 1x10warm up. 1x 10 /30kg 1x 10 /40kg 1x8/60kg 1x5/80kg then on to normal narrowstance deadlifts. 1x10/100kg 1x 10/120kg 1x8/150 1x5/160 1x3/180 then i put on my belt for an easy 190 kg{or so i was thinking as i have pulled 250 b4 @90kg} 1x................BANG. it came upo off the floor fast,then at knee hight i felf what can only be diiscribed as my lower spine doing an impression of an accordian. it just popped. out and back it would seem, and has pulled every muscle in the area. i cant sit down, i cant lie down, the only way i can stand if if i contract my abbs{thank you pilates}out of my mind on iburopren and cold spray as i type this through a mist of pain... i cant believe i finally got caught . i have a new found respect for the deadlift, and b4 someone posts"stop lifting with your ego" re read my post. i have done well in excess of what hurt me b4. just thought id share the pain peace. |