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Desperate help with body fat %

Posts: 421
Joined: 2006/07/11
United States
2007/07/25, 09:15 PM
that does seem to be low cal for a guy your size. even for your goals. although it may seem counter productive uping the cals will show your body that you are not starving it and it will let go of the fat easier. good luck.

My Catahoula did it.

I saw a book titled "Sex for Dummies" and wondered why
anyone would teach dumb people how to reproduce?
Posts: 2
Joined: 2007/07/25
United States
2007/07/25, 12:31 PM
Hey guys, I?m a 22/m 221 pounds, 6 foot even, and The Tanita scale I bought says that my body fat % is 27.5%!!!I'm not fat but not that cut either. I'm an intermediate weight lifter who lifts 5 days a week and does cardio 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. How can I decrease my body fat% to fewer than 10 % and what kind of foods can I eat to achieve this? Currently I drink a slim fast for breakfast, eat a banana and almonds for a snack, than eat a power bar meal replacement for lunch, some more almonds and an orange for a snack, a complete meal for dinner, and than any other light snack I can think of after that. Is their anything else I can do to drop my body fat more????

P.S How much body fat can I realistically lose before September 1st:angry:

Anthony Rice
Posts: 421
Joined: 2006/07/11
United States
2007/07/25, 02:48 PM
Dont rely on the Tanita scales. I have one and it is way off. It can change by time of day, hydration level and several other factors. They are useful if you program it right and if you use them at the same time of day every time you use it. Still mine is about 6% high. Goto your local Y and have it checked there.

My Catahoula did it.

I saw a book titled "Sex for Dummies" and wondered why
anyone would teach dumb people how to reproduce?
Posts: 4,670
Joined: 2003/10/05
2007/07/25, 04:53 PM
My guess is you need to eat more. That is not very much. Add some protien, check out the diet forum here and maybe track your calories for a while.

I would also suggest maybe ditching the slim fast and eat some real food.

But certainly checkout the diet forum.

Welcome to FT!


I see the words you are typing, but all I read is *click*click*click*

\"He may be gone, but Sanjaya proved that it doesn\'t matter how talented you are - if you believe in yourself, you can annoy literally millions of people.\" Jimmy Kimmel
Posts: 2
Joined: 2007/07/25
United States
2007/07/25, 06:59 PM
I would eat real food but I'm in the military and my time is very limited. I've lost 7 pounds since June 3rd and I'm still healthy and all so the calories are ok. Are you saying if I eat even more than I'll lose weight? Anyway, I really would appreciate all replies. Thanks for the posts.

P.S. I'm starting to see my abs =)!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

Anthony Rice
Posts: 5
Joined: 2007/07/31
United States
2007/07/31, 11:39 PM
When I was pregnant they told me that when you burn more with activity then your body needs more, if it doesn't get more it holds on to what it has because it thinks you want to starve it. I had several small "meals" during the day to stay in a state of being "well fed" where my body never thought I was starving. I did lose about 30 pounds at the beginning of the pregnancy which while normally not healthy for a pregnant woman was fine with me under doctor supervision. Now I just want to lose all the weight I gained and more.