2002/11/28, 12:11 PM
Hi guys, just need to know if these following steroids are fake or legit. 1st An oral steroid called oxymetholone, by Alpha Tech, in a white bottle with a blue label. The pills are light blue, with a 50 on one side and an a kine engraved on the other side. 2nd is an injectible, called UNIVET UNI-TEST SUSPENSION, from Milton Ontario, canada. EXP sept 03. 3rd is and injectible called Sustanon, 250, from Organon, in Pakistan. It is a clear ampule with yellow writing on the amp. EXp is 2007. Says made by ABBOTT, KARACHI, for organon, pakistan.. If you need more info about these products, let me know. any info you could give me would be greatly appreciated. thanks