2000/12/28, 03:11 AM
I'm tying to follow the diet they gave me on this site, but eating the correct daily requirements of protein and carbs seems almost impossible. Is their diet working for anybody, i might just be doing something wrong.
2000/12/28, 02:48 PM
I think you need to use that as a guide but taylor it to your bodys needs. Everyone is different. Listen to your body.
2000/12/28, 07:54 PM
The only problem that I see is keeping my calorie intake down to loose weight and get all the carbs and protein that they say I should.
2000/12/28, 07:59 PM
The calorie intake is a "Minimum" required calorie intake for your weight. We will change that to reflect the recommended calorie intake given your goals. Sorry for the confusion.
2000/12/29, 10:54 AM
We will be revealing our fully updated Nutritional section early February. It will contains meals, menus, charts, etc. everything that you will need!
For now.. please use the information in the Nutrition Center as a guidline.. it is however reliable.
Stay tuned for the update.. if you have any specific questions.. please email us at directly.
Train hard, Stay Strong! George