Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Diet variance

Posts: 13
Joined: 2004/11/10
United States
2004/11/21, 08:28 PM
I realize diet is vital and essential to weight loss. I try to follow ft's nutritional guide for myself but I have to eat whatever they serve at work so, theres not alot of choice for me. FT recommends I consume 3341 calories, 215gs protein, 538g carbs, 41g fat. However due to my restricted choices in foods I end up daily with 1800-2200 cals, 150-210gs protein, 250-350gs carbs, 70-100gs fat. I take vitamin, mineral, protein supplements to get these results. Will this variation adversely affect my gains and results or are they acceptable. I do a pretty intense workout with freeweight training 5 days a week, im using the 12 week ab program too, and i do 45mins of cardio 4-5 days a week. I've noticed some results, my energy level is through the roof lately, my arms are showing progress and my chest/abs seem to be shedding some fat, this is after 2 weeks. However if my diet's deviance from the suggested diet will adversely affect my progress, then what can I do to fix it?
Posts: 35
Joined: 2003/09/13
United States
2004/11/21, 09:37 PM
Carry a lunch box. If you don't eat enough then you will end up losing muscle and retaining fat. Your bf% would actually go up while you lose weight. Its taken quite a bit of tinkering with my diet, but this month I lost 4% bf, and I eat about 3000+ calories per day.
Eat 6 meals per day. cut the cardio down to 3 days per week, and lift on 3 other days.
Keep up the good work and be patient. You should not lose more than 2 lbs per week.
Posts: 13
Joined: 2004/11/10
United States
2004/11/21, 10:15 PM
Bringing my own lunch isn't an option, I work security at a food plant and there are strict rules about outside contaminants, so I have to eat what they serve here or not at all. This also hampers the eating 6 times a day cuz then I'd have to eat 5 times within the 1-2 hours before and 5-7 hours after work or so. I'm not necessarily looking to lose weight as in pounds, Im wanting to shed inches, replace fat mass with lean muscle mass. so I guess I would be gaining weight, just in the good sense.
Posts: 13
Joined: 2004/11/10
United States
2004/11/21, 10:18 PM
Do I need more carbs, more protein, less fats? and if I could up my caloric intake but couldnt decrease my fat intake would this be acceptable? is 70-100gs of fat bad?
Posts: 1,055
Joined: 2004/07/22
United States
2004/11/22, 11:06 AM
That much fat can be bad if it's coming from the wrong types of foods. Fish, nuts, canola oil, and lean meats are all good healthy sources of fats. If your fat intake is coming from butter, whole milk, peanut oil, or other unhealthy fats, then yes it would be unhealthy to eat that amount of fat per day.

Posts: 13
Joined: 2004/11/10
United States
2004/11/22, 01:57 PM
The majority of my fats come from beans, breads, milk and dairy, and lean meats, out of these which should i concentrate on cutting more? the Milk fat? And exactly what are carbs useful for, I know I need protein so my body feeds off it and then consumes my body fat.
Posts: 35
Joined: 2003/09/13
United States
2004/11/22, 10:05 PM
Cut the milk fat and dairy fat as much as possible. They make plenty of low fat no fat milk and cheese. Keep a lunch box in the car. Eat right before you go into work, and right after you come out. You dont have to eat a lot, but make it balanced as possible. Try to eat every 2 or 3 hours whenever possible.
Carbs are fuel, protien are building blocks or fuel if you dont eat enough.