Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Do non-weight exersizes gain you muscle?

Posts: 13
Joined: 2004/11/27
United Kingdom
2004/11/30, 03:08 PM
Do doing exersizes such as push-ups (which require no weight) gain you any muscle?? or do they only help your fitness?
If they do not gain you muscle. Do you know any good exersizes to buold up the pex.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/09/18
United States
2004/11/30, 03:27 PM
Push-ups will not really build muscle. Your muscles need to to be challenged by weight resistance in order to grow you need to demand more of them. There are plenty of exercises for your chest such barbell flat,incline,decline presses...dmbell flat,incline,decline presses..pec deck, dips ect... sign up for a program here on FT you can specialize in a chest program i believe.
2004/11/30, 03:39 PM
Jonny, if you have never really exercised, anything you do will help build muscle. If you don't have equipment, you can use a back pack with some sort of weight for push ups. Justin's point is that you need increasing resistance to progress after a certain point.

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United States
2004/11/30, 07:32 PM
Yep, in the beginning, anything you do will yeild some results. But if it is biceps:big_smile: for instance you are looking for, you need weight bearing exercise.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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United Kingdom
2004/12/01, 05:28 AM
Although you aren't using extra weights for these exercises you are still using body weight.
I can get about 10 pushups out on a good day :) so for me this is enough to build muscle. If you are doing many more and don't have access to weights you can increase the amount of your body weight that you are lifting by putting your feet on a step or doing one handed push ups.
If this is too easy then, as the others say, you will need to start using weights.

Good luck
Posts: 13
Joined: 2004/11/27
United Kingdom
2004/12/01, 01:26 PM
ok thanks guys
Posts: 325
Joined: 2003/03/09
United Kingdom
2004/12/02, 09:35 AM
weights wise maybe you asked the question as you don't have access to any. You can give yourself resistance in bodyweight or by using equipment you haven't thought of or investing in some cheap bits.
A box of paper weighs about 22kilos.
Large detergent bottles a full watering can, even a bucket.
Invest in a small upgradable dumbell set,,,
buy a doorway fitting chin bar,,,
use two hi back tubular chairs or any chairs side by side and as you progress a third for your feet
buy a swiss ball,,,
boot fairs often have the bullworker isometric equipment , steppers, ab rollers at ridiculous cheap prices...
Posts: 11
Joined: 2004/07/12
United States
2004/12/05, 08:39 PM
Pushups give garbage size, however dips and pullups are great mass builders(+weighted belt when body weight isnt enough).
Posts: 16
Joined: 2004/03/26
United Kingdom
2004/12/22, 10:59 AM
exercises such as pushups build muscular endurance not muscle size. But they are a good exercise to include in your routine:)