2008/04/18, 12:32 PM
Okay, first off welcome and congratulations on wanting to get in shape! Fitness is not easy to stick with at first, but that changes over time. The BEST thing you can do right now is to soak up as much information as possible. 99% of all failures are due to the lack of knowledge. In order to get this thing to work, you need to first get your diet in check, then get a good gym routine started that makes use of both cardio and resistance training. It'll take a while to lose your freshmen 50, but if you can adopt a healthy lifestyle, theres much less of a chance that you'll put it back on.
For your diet, try starting out with about 10 calories per pound of body weight per day. Make the calories count, and cut out as many simple carbs and saturated fats as you can. a healthy calorie split is roughly as follows: carbs 50%,protein 30%, fats 20%. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, and stay away from the white breads and sugars. Go for leaner cuts of meat, and always be mindful of PORTION SIZES as they relate to calorie counts.
For the exercise portion, you don't have to kill yourself with cardio and weights. I normally suggest a full body routine, split into 2-3 sessions a week, preceded by some moderate cardio. Find ways to just be more active in general. A evening walk, maybe a leisurely bike ride on Saturday.
This should get you started. And remember, we all fall off of the wagon once in a while. Just pick yourself back up and hop right back on.