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Easy Techniques to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

Posts: 11
Joined: 2016/06/20
United States
2016/06/29, 12:26 PM (Edited: icardio1 - 2016/06/29, 12:35 PM)
Easy Techniques to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week
Losing extra pounds gradually is the healthiest way to keep
in shape. Instead of wanting to shave off those extra
pounds in a day or two, which can be a very daunting
endeavor, a pound or two each day is a healthier
alternative. There are several ways to lose 10 pounds in
one week but only a handful of them work. More so, some of
those diets even subtly suggest going to extremes like not
eating anything at all.
If you are unsure of what kind of diet regimen you should
undertake to help you lose weight, here is a one-week meal
plan you can try. Just follow these few simple steps and
see yourself slimmer in a span of one week.
Day One
On the first day of the diet, it is important to condition
the body. You can do this by taking a detox diet. Not only
will this help the body lose weight faster but cleanse it
as well. Start the day by mixing a cup of lemon juice,
slices of ginger and honey with one cup of water.
It is helpful to prepare a mixture of this detox drink that
can last the whole day. This way whenever you are hungry,
all you have to do is to drink a cup of the detox mixture.
Day Two
It is important to limit the amount of food you eat to help
your body lose weight fast . However, don’t forget to eat
healthy and incorporate lots of fruits and vegetables to
your meals. You can also eat meat but remember to chose
lean ones or opt for white meat like chicken or fish
Day Three
Once you got used to your new diet, start adding two pieces
of apples and a cup of black beans to your meals. You can
also substitute the beans for the meats. This can jumpstart
your fiber intake, which in turn helps for healthy weight
Day Four
During the fourth day of the diet, start eating heavy
breakfast mostly consisting of grains and cereals. Again,
fiber is very important because it really does wonders for
the digestive system. As for your dinner, remember to eat
the meal before seven o’clock. Eating after seven in the
evening or hours before sleep can restrict the body from
properly digesting your meal.
Day Five
It is important to realize just how much calorie you
consume during the previous three days especially now that
you have established a healthy diet. Once you are aware of
this, try to scatter your meals all throughout the day.
Eating five to six small meals is a great way to help you
lose weight.
Day Six
During this time, you must be able to limit your sugar and
fat intake. If not, try to limit your consumption further.
There are other healthier alternatives for these kinds of
foods. For instance, instead of eating ice cream for
dessert, eat yogurt. They are healthier and provide the
body with helpful and healthy bacteria.
Day Seven
Eat fresh fruits instead of packaged juices. Another
healthier alternative is to drink freshly squeezed juices
without additives and flavorings. You can even stop
drinking juice altogether and rather opt for a healthier
green tea.
This kind of diet can be prolonged if you want to
continuously lose weight. Once you lose 10 pounds in one
week, remember that maintaining this type of healthy diet
can prevent you from gaining weight.