2006/10/29, 01:44 AM
Hi all,
I am very new to this but I am having a hard time creating an eating schedule. I work nights at a hospital so I am trying to figure out the best times to eat. Should I eat at night or during the day and what about the days I am off? I have a substantial amount of weight (40lbs) that I would like to lose but can't begin until I get this eating thing together. Please Help
2006/10/29, 02:06 AM
Eat just like you would if you worked days!
Eat in your awakened (:( if that's even a word) hours just as you would as a day time worker!
Just because it may be Midnight for your 1st meal doesn't mean it shouldn't be a breakfast!
My 1st 2 meals are usually the 2 meals highest in carbs in which I feel I need to get through the day and if I had to make the 1st meal at 9 PM it would still be the same meal I ate at 7:30 AM today!
So basically if your eating 5 meals a day make it always start as you have woken-up for the day and start from there no matter what time it is you get up. There is no set rule where you have to eat your meals day in and day out at the same exact times!
2006/10/29, 11:24 AM
Eat every 3 hours, some lean protein, some complex carbs, a little good fat. When you are in a hurry a shake can be a lifesaver.. Pack all of your meals ahead on one day when you are off so you can just pop them in the microwave - a chicken breast, some rice and some green beans in tuuperware, voila, meal ready to eat....
Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.
Napoleon Hill
2006/11/01, 12:46 AM
I work into the early mornings(1-2AM)and eat every 2-3 hrs from the time I get up till I go to bed. I only manage 4-5hrs sleep and still run 3-5 times aweek 5-8kms and weight train 3-4 days a week for 30min to 1hr. I have dropped 35 lbs and am still hopefull to get below 200lbs or 10%BF which ever comes first. I know it would be alot easier if I could get more sleep but my kids come first.
As asimmer said pre packed meals help alot, I try to eat 1% cottage as the last meal for the nightbut its hard towards the end of the week and I have depleted my supply of good foods and all that is left is the stuff we buy for the kids, its not too bad not what I usually eat.
2006/12/20, 07:28 PM
One of the best things you can do is keep a journal and right down the times and what you eat. This can suck but when something isnt working you can go back and see what did.