2002/10/10, 11:04 PM
How much protein, in grams, is in an egg (in the white yolk of course)?
2002/10/10, 11:08 PM
Eggwhites are 3 grams, add in the yolk and you have 6. Eggs are the highest BV protein there is. When an egg digests, it has the perfect amino acid profile. Very conducive to muscle building.
2002/10/15, 11:32 PM
I know that eggs have athe highest rate of protein, but do u know a substitute ? I can't stand any more eggwhites. thanks.
2002/10/15, 11:45 PM
LOL.....I do know the feeling! You can buy eggwhite protein supplement powders. They are usually pretty potent. A tablespoon of one usually yeilds about 8 solid grams of protein. Added to your protein drink, it will greatly enhance the amino acid quality of it. To take it by itself is not recommended taste wise, lots of sodium, and hard to mix. The price is relatively cheap, can find it at some good health food stores. Or you can buy some more expensive ones from the supplement companies. There are 2 I know of that sell it.