Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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Emotionally Apathetic.

Posts: 2
Joined: 2004/06/22
United States
2004/07/22, 01:43 PM
Is it right to not ever feel anything? You don't ever get highs or lows? Nothing affects me. People can't get me angry, but at the same time, no stimulus can please me either. I haven't cried since I turned 5. I have had women love me, but I've been unable to return that emotion. Though I think I've tried, I just can't experience anything beyond apathy. I don't think it's physical. I'm overweight, but I don't think i'm unattractive. I have very good luck with women. Other than physically however, I can't be with them. I'm not violent, or socially unaware. I have morals, and values. I just don't care. I can't imagine a POV beyond my own. I look at the world and see everybody, and myself. I haven't been myself to another person in so long I don't know If myself even exhists anymore, if it even ever did. I'm not unhappy. I just don't care. It's just easy being me, but I don't know if I can maintain this. Or if I'm going to explode one day in an eruption of emotional chaos spewing from some pent up psychological damage I've repressed. I know I've got problems, but what do you do about problems that might be worse solved than unsolved? These thoughts I deal with constantly. I'm not ashamed, again, I just don't care. I always wonder if people are really being honest when they say they feel emotions. Cause honestly, they are simply mythic to me. Two girls wanted to marry me. Two girls wanted my help to bring and raise children. How could I do that to innocents? Anyways, this chaotic jumble is finished.
Posts: 198
Joined: 2004/04/05
United States
2004/07/24, 12:13 AM
:surprised: I feel like that sometimes. Getting that gym membership has really helped though. Sometimes I walk into the gym feeling like that... but then I walk out and feel refreshed, clear minded and filled with endomorphins...then I kinda get those I don't care but I'm feeling good type feelings. But if it's really serious to where you feeling really depressed, then take tmann98c06's advice.
Posts: 272
Joined: 2004/02/25
United Kingdom
2004/07/28, 10:07 PM
errr doesnt sound like deppression. Depression for me has always been about too much emotions.

Have you tried exploring the posibility that you maybe a robot? :)

Honestly I think you should go see a therapist for sure...I dont see how someone cannot have emotions..
Posts: 3
Joined: 2004/09/22
Trinidad And Tobago
2004/10/05, 11:45 AM
Quoting from oscarg:

:surprised: I feel like that sometimes. Getting that gym membership has really helped though. Sometimes I walk into the gym feeling like that... but then I walk out and feel refreshed, clear minded and filled with endomorphins...then I kinda get those I don't care but I'm feeling good type feelings. But if it's really serious to where you feeling really depressed, then take tmann98c06's advice.

yeh just a lil shud be endorphins not endomorphins ok