Group: Health Supplements

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 102, Messages: 16613

Supplements can be a great aid with your health and fitness goals. Combined with the proper exercise and nutritional plan they can be quite effective.

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Energy Pills???

Posts: 127
Joined: 2006/03/29
United States
2006/07/17, 02:24 AM
I am having trouble not only getting in the mood for working out but maintaining the motivation to continue... i ussually take on one exercise supersetted with another exercise and start to loose motivation around the 2 set of that exercise. i ussually push throught the exercise but stop after that. is there a pill or sumthing that can help me. sumthing that is not to harmful either considering that im only 16
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Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2006/07/17, 09:58 PM
The best pill is stop the supersetting! Concentrate on heavy compound lifts.

Supersetting alot and without proper diet will indeed make you lack motivation and have you fatigue easily. It is a very glycogen depleting type workload and if carbs are not up to par, you will feel tired and loss of energy quickly.

Maximus from Gladiator....Strength and Honor!
Posts: 127
Joined: 2006/03/29
United States
2006/07/18, 08:58 PM
what is a compound lift?
Posts: 127
Joined: 2006/03/29
United States
2006/07/18, 08:58 PM
what is a compound lift?
Posts: 127
Joined: 2006/03/29
United States
2006/07/18, 08:58 PM
what is a compound lift?
Posts: 127
Joined: 2006/03/29
United States
2006/07/18, 08:59 PM
what is a compound lift?
Posts: 127
Joined: 2006/03/29
United States
2006/07/18, 08:59 PM
what is a compound lift?
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2006/07/18, 09:15 PM
Listen, a compound lift is any lift that uses more than one body part. Squat, dead lifts, cleans, snatches, bench press, bent rows are all examples.

Less Talk, More Chalk!
The Men and Boys are Separated by one thing: The Squat Cage!
Posts: 127
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United States
2006/07/18, 10:28 PM
thanx, sorry for all the comments i didnt think that it was loading so i clicked it a few more times... my fault
Posts: 156
Joined: 2003/09/03
United States
2006/07/19, 05:39 PM
I use NO Xplode and I don't workout without it anymore. It keeps me focused and energetic through my entire workout. The first time I drank the stuff I noticed a big change. If you have the money I suggest trying it. I eat a sandwhich (on 100% whole grain bread) or have some oatmeal (not the sugar filled packet kind) and an apple about an hour before I drink the NO Xplode and I'm ready to work out about 15-20 minutes after I drink it and I really don't want to stop when I'm finished. Always eat slow burning carbs before your workout like beans(preferably black beans), whole weat bread, oatmeal, apple, etc. It gives you the energy you need during your workout. I'm not sure about your age and the effect supplements like NO Xplode might have on you. You should probably discuss that with your doctor. Definitely incorporate compound lifts into your workout. I think the best is the wide grip pullup for upper body and romanian deadlift for lower body. You could almost make those a full workout!
2006/07/22, 07:25 AM
XX you got a wrong approach to're looking for easy way out...there's no magic pill to make you want to do anything...there are no magic pills period...

if you dont learn anything except this....then you have learned a lot

SUPPLEMENTS=overpriced, overhyped, and an easy way people always want....

LIFT USING COMPOUND EXERCISES PROGRESSIVELY HEAVIER.... it fits in the overpriced/overhyped category...

I would suggest caffeine supplement but you're fairly young....I would really advise to avoid supplements until you're 18/19.....except multivitamin and perhaps fish oil for overall well being...

I would in fact recommend lifting with all compound's been a long path to realization of this for me...took me 10 years just about....

dont get to caught up in any one thing...

but set small and big goals....(short/longterm)...then keep track of your results...strength will come first....then will come muscle as you will likely be wanting to eat more...

like i said in some other posts...focus on your lifting...focus on what you eat(this is where your muscle/strength is made) ...and get enough sleep for YOU...which can be little or a lot...only you know...usually 8 hours...some need more...others less....

good luck...
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Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2006/07/24, 10:38 AM
There are a couple supplements that work, creatine and protein. Stick with these if you must take any. And creatine does its best work after you have maxed out....if you use it before this time you will never know if it even worked.

Supplements are not magic and mainly hype. Pick up a bodybuilding magazine from a year ago, and chances are 90% of the supplements advertised as the newest and greatest are not even on the market anymore.

Maximus from Gladiator....Strength and Honor!
Posts: 11,105
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United States
2006/07/24, 01:35 PM
Or collecting dust in a corner somewhere in the store for a 1/2 rate price, still not selling.

Maximus from Gladiator....Strength and Honor!
Posts: 156
Joined: 2003/09/03
United States
2006/07/25, 10:50 AM
I agree with that 100%. I use only protein powder and NO Xplode. I really do get a boost in my workout from the NO Xplode so I have found something that works for me and I think that is the key. Everyone is different but I do think that 90% of the supplements out there are pure crap.
Posts: 8
Joined: 2006/01/10
United States
2006/08/02, 02:43 PM
I heard that L Glutamine is good post workout supplement, can anyone confirm this?

Big T