Anyone know any exercises to strengthen the hip joint? I've been having problems w/ my shoulders and hips; doing exercises for my rotator cuffs has helped a LOT. I'm hoping I can find something similar for my hips.
2004/01/10, 11:33 AM
I don't know if its theraputic but lying side leg raises , bent knee lying side leg raises with ankle weights really toast me. Also supersetting them is killer. The seated leg tucks and leg raises work my hips as well.
When I had my rotator cuff surgery in June, my physical therapist was huge in getting me back together. Ca you do a session with a PT??
Thanks Charlie, what I need though is something that's not "killer" but is light enough that my large muscles don't kick in and take over. Like the rotator cuff exercises using little to no weight. Maybe I could try those exercises w/ no leg weights.