Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

Discuss the topic of Power lifting, Strength training and Strong Man training!

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Posts: 1,054
Joined: 2003/06/14
United States
2003/08/09, 06:26 PM

Hey, I've been reading up on fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, and I was wondering how I could train my legs' fast twitch muscle fibers for jumping? What kind of exercises train the fast twitch? thanks

If Satan ever tries to remind you of your past, just tell him of his future!
Posts: 410
Joined: 2002/07/13
United States
2003/08/10, 08:12 PM
Fast twitch respond very well to explosive training...also heavy lifting will make them snatches, cleans, squats, plyometrics, jumprope and other such quick moving exercises!

If hard work and persistence were the keys to success, most people would opt to pick the lock.~Dick
Posts: 192
Joined: 2002/12/23
United States
2003/08/11, 12:47 AM
What are snatches?
Posts: 410
Joined: 2002/07/13
United States
2003/08/11, 10:42 AM
Place your hands wider than shoulder width, quickly snap the weight to arms length over your head...kind of like the clean and jerk only your hands are wider and you don't pause at your chest to catch the weight...its one motion very effective once you get the hang of it...maybe someone else knows a website that may illustrate these explosive lifts for timbaland and arondaballer

If hard work and persistence were the keys to success, most people would opt to pick the lock.~Dick
Posts: 16
Joined: 2003/07/16
New Zealand
2003/08/21, 10:17 PM
there are different types of fast twitch muscles,, a good way to train all of these are complex training!! complex training combines,,resistance training, plyometrics, sprint training and specific training!

the easiest way to do this is by paring up resistance exercises with plyometric excersises ,, theres a good book called jumping in plyometrics which is quite basic and easy to understand and also has plenty of illustrations of plyometrics for each muscle group :):)