2001/06/01, 01:14 AM
About half way through my last workouts I start to feel sick. Like I drank to much water, and almost feel like vomiting. I drink the about the same amout of water everytime(depending on what Im working on) So far I have kept on pushing the weights until Im finish, and i havnt got sick so far. But my question is, is it my diet or what. I admit i dont have a diet plan right now, but I could use some help with this subject.
2001/06/01, 04:35 AM
i usaly have a meal about 1 hour before i workout. what is your meal shedule?
2001/06/01, 09:18 AM
first of all it is the diet. Aprox. 30 - 45 minutes prior to your workout, you should have a very simple meal rich with carbohydrates which will fuel your workout. I prefer a turkey sandwhich and a banana. You can also purchase carbohydrate drinks.
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/06/01, 04:47 PM
I usally eat supper about an hour before. Pasta, chicken, the basics like that. And of couse side dishes
2001/06/02, 08:29 PM
Arnold's right here in that you probably are putting too much in your stomach. Your body only has so much blood in it and cannot be everywhere at once so don't ask your body to digest a lot of food before working out and that blood is needed for your muscles. Also the natural acid/base balance in your stomach changes with exercise and can makeyour stomach quesy and may give you heartburn. Main thing is just to have enough food stores to help you get through the workout then eat your big meal.
2001/06/03, 08:20 AM
you might have eaten right before your workout which shouldn't have been the case...it takes time for your body to digest the food about 1/2 hour
2001/06/10, 12:17 PM
Concentrate on your pre & post workout diet.