2001/06/04, 07:45 PM
Monday/June 4, 2001
Today I done worked on my legs. While I was working out I knew that I was doing a good job. My legs were burning. As I was leaving the gym, I felt pretty good. When I got to the curb, I stepped down and I almost fell from my legs being tired. My legs began to fell like jello.
2001/06/04, 10:31 PM
That's the best feeling ever! In my old gym I had to walk down two flights of stairs.. I would have to hold on to the railing!
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/06/05, 02:32 PM
yeah, i can agree those legs are the muscles which give the best feeling greetz Siggie
2001/07/18, 03:15 PM
Sounds good to me. No pain no gain right?
2001/10/09, 08:36 PM
Only if it's good pain, hehe
When I had the money to go to a gym (which at the time, didn't do me a hell of a lot of good) I would absolutely blast my legs until I could barely walk. Not that my legs needed it (I just look at a machine and they inflate), I just liked the feeling I got from it.
2001/10/09, 09:07 PM
How are you doing these days?