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Joined: 2006/06/09 ![]() |
2006/06/26, 11:38 AM
I am looking for some gal's who (like me) are in their 40's trying to keep fit. Just someone to talk to and see what you do to keep in shape. I am 44 and run 30 miles week. I am also following a weight training program for fat burning/toning. I would like to lose 10 or more lbs. but am not motivated at all. Would love to be able to just exercise it off, but know that's not realistic.
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Joined: 2005/01/18 ![]() |
2006/06/26, 03:26 PM
Hi musclemom and welcome to the club of trying to lose that last pesky 10lbs:). From your profile, it looks like your doing all the right things exercise wise. Just make sure your pushing yourself enough with the wt program. You could also try introducing some interval training to your running or try a different form of cardio every once in a while. I've just started to add in sprints to my usual 5km run and boy what a difference it makes to the heart rate! I'm 43 and I think our workouts and goals are pretty much the same (although i only run about 10miles/week max) Many women, regardless of their age, have similar goals here on FT. As I'm sure you've realized, it really comes down to diet. There is tons of great info here and lots of people to motivate. I keep a training log on this site if your curious as to what I'm doing for wt training and cardio. I find it really helps keep me motivated.
Good luck with your goals! -------------- Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. |
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2006/06/27, 11:53 PM
Hi musclemom--I'm 44 also and I think in the best shape of my life. I don't run--mostly weight training (following program here) and cardio, plus I'm getting ready to play soccer for the first time in my life. First soccer practice is tomorrow night and I'm really excited and a little nervous. I'm not super competetive, mostly in it for the fun and fitness aspect. I also have started bike riding with a friend in the evenings. For me changing it up and keeping it interesting and seeing results is keeping me motivated. Wow...30 miles a week. That's awesome. WE are awesome! Women in their 40's now are a world apart from a generation ago fitness-wise (I think).
Kathy |
Joined: 2006/06/09 ![]() |
2006/06/30, 11:43 AM
I would love to talk w/ you all some more, but I am getting ready for a 4 day trip to the great outdoors. No workouts planned, but will be hiking, canoeing, playing paintball and going 4-wheeling (no work out huh!) We will see how sore I am when I get back! Have a great 4th!
Joined: 2006/06/09 ![]() |
2006/07/05, 10:39 AM
Ok, I'm back and have some questions for you. I have no problem with the cardio or weight training. I am very motivated and very seldom miss working out 5 days a week. My main problem is the diet. I was, 5 years ago, a weight watchers success story. Lost over 15 lbs., going from 143 to 127. Kept it off for three years, then had many stresses in my life...gained 1/2 back over two years and gained the other half back plus some in the past year. This past year was the most stressful and involved a move and my son going off to college. I am still struggling and the only times I feel good are after I work out or after I eat. All said, I now weigh 145 and would like to lose at least 10lbs., but just don't know how to get myself back on track. Went to the WW meeting here, but felt uncomfortable not knowing anyone. Is there somewhere on line I could get a meal plan for each day? I am so stuck on WW points that it seems confusing to go to counting calories.
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2006/07/05, 06:26 PM
You sound like me. I managed to get my weight down to 135 in December, then by April had climbed to 147. I'm down around 140 and trying to get to 130. I have decided for me the only way to keep the weight off is going to be to really work on adding muscle as much as possible. Eight years ago I was a size 14 and I am convinced that weight training is what allowed me to get down to a size 8 and stay there for the past 7 years. Now my goal is to really buff up to reduce my fat further and keep it off. Of course, I realize I will always have to really watch my diet, but it has really become easy for me after doing it so long.
Joined: 2006/06/09 ![]() |
2006/07/06, 07:17 AM
Sounds like we are built about the same, I am 5'5 1/2" and weight about 145. Is there a specific diet plan that you use...is your emphasis on protein, or do you just count calories? I have been trying to add more protein to my diet, but find it hard to keep the fat content down when I do this. Are you taking any supplements?
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2006/07/07, 05:45 PM
I do both...I track my calories and try to keep close to a 40-30-30 balance of carbs, protein and fat. I record what I eat in Fitday nutrition log and mostly just eye the pie chart to make sure things look fairly balanced. It's just easiest for me that way. It is difficult to get enough protein without raising the fat...that is why egg whites are so popular. Pure protein, no fat. I usually start my day with a bowl of oatmeal, a whole egg and 2 or 3 egg whites. As for supplements, I've been working out at 5:00 a.m. so I have a protein shake before I leave for the gym and also take salmon oil, calcium, and a multivitamin.
Joined: 2006/06/01 ![]() |
2006/07/07, 06:46 PM
Ok, so what does 40-30-30 mean and when you record what you eat do you do it as you go along, or at the start of the day or after you've eaten all your meals for the day? How can you drink a shake and then work out, don't you feel bogged down? I work out at about 6:00 a.m.
Joined: 2006/06/01 ![]() |
2006/07/07, 06:47 PM
sorry, I made this post under my son's name...this is musclemom.
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2006/07/08, 11:28 AM
I'm sorry...40% carbs, 30% each fat and protein. That is the formula used by the Zone diet, although I am not really following the Zone diet. With the Zone you are attempting to achieve that balance with every meal and snack you eat. I just use it as a guideline because for the days meals because it seems safe and reasonable to me. If anything, I'd go up on the carbs and down on the fat. I don't know if it is ideal, but it just easier for me to follow. I don't agonize over the precise balance every time I eat, I'm just trying to get reasonably close.
As far as recording what I eat, I started doing it by the meal, but now I record end of the day or sometimes two days at a time. I do miss days now and then but at least I get an idea of how I'm doing. The shake I drink is very light. I make it when I get up at 4:00 or 4:15 and drink it while I get ready. I make it with a scoop of chocolate protein, frozen coffee cubes (from leftover coffee) and 1/8 to 1/4 cup of raw oats and water or more coffee for blending (I love coffee and the kick). I had been reading that you should have some kind of pre workout meal and since I get up so early this works for me. It has had 30 to 45 minutes to digest before I start actually working out. |
Joined: 2006/06/09 ![]() |
2006/07/13, 12:36 PM
Ok, so how many calories are you aiming for? Mine says 1900 that seemed high to me, but I am trying it this week and will see what happens. :)
Joined: 2006/06/09 ![]() |
2006/07/14, 10:29 AM
Also, I have another question. Once you get to the end of the eight week program, what is next? Do I just start the same program all over?
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2006/07/14, 11:00 PM
My recommended calories according to this site are also around 1900 (similar weight, makes sense) but that also seemed high to me. Then I started reading that many others found the calorie recommendations on the high side. You could try it, but the sofware that came with my body fat calipers suggested 1600 calories, which seemed more realistic to me, so that's what I shoot for.
As for what happens after the eight week proram...well, I didn't finish it the first time because my boss bought me some personal training sessions at my gym and I wasn't able to do both. When my training sessions were over, I joined FT Pro and restarted my weight training program. I'm hoping there will be enough variation when I restart, but I guess that is what you do. With FT Pro you can swap exercises so if the routine is too similar to what you were just doing, you can modify it. Also, you are able to change the days and number of days you work out for variety. Hopefully you'll get responses from others who have been hanging here a little longer. |
Joined: 2003/09/11 ![]() |
2006/07/21, 10:55 AM
What do to when you get done with the 8 week program - take a good look in the mirror & then decide if you need to restart or if you need to change it to something else like building more muscle. Sorry I"m only 36 but that is getting close to 40 right?? -------------- Reddy All people smile in the same language |
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2006/07/22, 12:44 AM
Yeah, I'm thinking of changing to building more muscle after this bout is over. I'm finishing week six and I'm looking forward to the change.
Yeah, Reddy, 36 really is practically 40! Just kidding. I remember when I was 35 and out to dinner with my parents. The waiter wanted to ask for my I.D. My dad was flabbergasted and told the waiter, 'She's forty!' and I was shocked. My dad has a tendency to exaggerate but in this instance I wasn't too happy. 35 is 35, 40 is 40! We get there fast enough...no need to rush! |
Joined: 2006/06/09 ![]() |
2006/07/30, 04:43 PM
Amen to the no need to rush. But honestly, I don't feel 44 and that to me is more important than any number...Any way what is it exactly that makes a 44 year old that much different from a 36 year old...I don't honestly notice any difference, other than a few more grey hairs and my kids being older. I believe age is attitude, attitude, attitude. I hope I'm 70 before I "feel" any signs of being old!
Joined: 2006/09/04 ![]() |
2006/09/04, 05:35 PM
Hi im new on here but im 52 my family and friends keep telling me im lovely just as i am, but it,s about how you feel yourself isnt it? i want to loose my tummy and lift my bum then i would feel better about how i look.Looking forward to getting to know you all.:)
Joined: 2006/04/22 ![]() |
2006/09/04, 06:04 PM
Hi babyhips--it's about how you look naked! Okay, well it is for me, anyway. I have people at work telling me I'm getting too thin...yet my bodyfat is still high and they aren't seeing the flab! When people tell me I'm fine as I am I just remind them that they haven't seen me naked. And my bf who has seen me naked is 100% behind my efforts :-). But you're right...you have to do it for you.
Welcome! |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2006/09/08, 11:43 PM
:big_smile: I'm also looking for some fit gal's in the late 30's or in the 40's :cool:
:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: |