2004/06/30, 05:27 PM
I get a lot of flakes on my scalp and can't figure out if it;s a dry scalp or dandruff. They're relatively large thin, dry white flakes. I ushually put gel in my hair thoough I've stopped for the past few weeks, yet they still persist. I just started using head and shoulders intensive care today.....
2004/06/30, 05:31 PM
I usaed to have dandruff and i used hea din shoulders but it made it worst!! just be careful what you use, you could be allergix to a chemical..if it is just dry skin then maybe you should try a conditioner
2004/06/30, 05:39 PM
thankyou, any suggestions to what conditioner? Also does it look like it;s just a dry scalp or something else?
2004/07/01, 06:14 AM
Dandruff it really small bits in your hair, whereas dry scalp can be bigger. The best way to find out is too scratch a bit of your scalp and if you have white bits on your nails it's dry scalp. Conditioners are variable, herbal essences is quite good. :big_smile:
2004/07/01, 06:38 AM
Spooky, look for Goodoldtex's post on Questions about Dandruff in this same section, I posted some information there that might help you.